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  1. #281
    Senior Member DinarDevildog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bambiebdgrl View Post
    Its kind of a two fold-I would be very sad if we went to war with Iran, but it would make the dinar more valuable. Please do not get me wrong- this is very hard for me - my brother is graduating marine boot camp this coming week and I really do not want to see him go to Iraq nor Iran. He is also invested in the Dinar, but I know he understands what I'm saying. The dinar would go up in value, in the event of either UN sanctions or war, is that correct?

    Tell your brother welcome to the Marine Corps Family!!!
    GySgt USMC

  2. #282
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Just seen on the BBC news that the troops have met very little resistance in Sadr City. And they're sweeping though the City confiscating weapons. Great to see and hear. Throw that in with the cabinet reshuffle and sacking of 9 ministers all with ties to Sadr and they're really clamping down. And with a passed HCL now I'd say two words. 'Cha Ching'.

    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  3. #283
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    "The Iraqi government decided to allow Arabs and foreigners handled shares

    The Iraqi government decided to allow Arabs and foreigners circulation of shares in the financial markets
    Baghdad hailed the Almighty : the Presidency announced the Iraqi official, allow investors to Arab and foreign circulation of shares and bonds in the market for securities of Iraq and also the composition of investment portfolios in stocks and bonds. ..."


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  4. #284
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    This is a very lengthy article, but explains the oil activity we are seeing in the Kurdistan Region. Please excuse if already posted. Thank you.

    Erbil, Kurdistan-Iraq, 26th February 2007 (KRG) - On 24th February Mr Masoud Barzani, President of the Kurdistan Region, announced that an agreement had been reached with Iraq’s Prime Minister Dr Nuri al-Maliki on the latest draft of the Federal Oil Law. Since this announcement, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has received many enquiries about this final agreement. Dr Ashti Hawrami, the KRG Minister for Natural Resources, offered the following explanations to the KRG Spokesman Dr Khaled Salih.

    1. What is the substance of the agreement?

    The essential terms of the agreement are as follows. The Kurdistan Region will voluntarily share some of its Constitutional powers to manage petroleum exploration and development in Kurdistan with the Federal Government. In particular, and in the interests of transparency, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) will permit an independent panel of experts to review the KRG’s petroleum contracts against certain agreed commercial criteria. The KRG will also voluntarily pool all of the petroleum revenues to which it is entitled with all the other regions and governorates.

    In return, Kurdistan will be guaranteed a share of pooled revenues proportionate to its population. The Kurdistan Regional Government will, of course, retain the power to sign contracts for petroleum exploration and development in the Kurdistan Region.

    2. What does the agreement mean for Iraq and for the Kurdistan Region, and how optimistic are you that the draft law will be adopted by the Council of Representatives in Baghdad?

    It is a great achievement for all of us in Iraq. We are confident that the remaining crucial oil law annexes and the Revenue Sharing Law will also be agreed upon soon in order to complete the process for the approval of the Council of Representatives. Most of the people I worked with are sincere and committed to complete the drafting process sooner rather than later. However, as you know, there are some individuals who still dream of maintaining central control over the management of the country’s wealth and resources; they would like to delay or derail this process in order to keep Iraq unstable. Fortunately, they are in the minority, therefore I remain optimistic about the outcome.

    3. What is the importance of the annexes and the Revenue Sharing Law?

    The annexes provide for the allocation of specific territories and oil fields to the Iraq National Oil Company (INOC), the Oil Ministry and the KRG, as well as agreeing on model contracts and criteria for awarding contracts to ensure that all of Iraq, not just Kurdistan, is attracting new petroleum investment for the benefit of the whole country. These are, and have always been, a priority for the KRG.

    The Revenue Sharing Law is an essential companion-piece to the Federal Oil Law, because it will guarantee to the Kurdistan Region, and all other parts of Iraq, their fair share of petroleum revenue according to population. It will also guarantee the viability of the Federal Government. The sharing of petroleum management powers by Regions cannot work if the federal government does not, in turn, fairly share petroleum revenues. The Constitution of Iraq is very clear on this point, so the two laws will go to the Iraqi parliament as a package.
    4. Was it the case, as some say, that the KRG were better organised by fully supporting your lead in the negotiations on behalf of the Kurdistan Region? Was it the case, as is widely rumoured, that you lately came under significant pressure to make concessions to Baghdad?

    First of all I am pleased to hear that others felt that we were better organised, but that was primarily because we wanted to conduct the negotiation in a more businesslike fashion, to focus on the key issues that mattered to all concerned. The Iraq petroleum sector needs a common-sense approach. For the most part, the negotiations were going reasonably well, but some negotiators needed more time to understand the federal Constitution and the fundamental principles of sharing responsibilities and rights in a new Federal Iraq. Generally speaking, the committee worked as a team, but by the time we reached the final stages of the negotiations the process became more intense. New deadlines were imposed on us, without adequate time to agree on the Revenue Sharing Law and the important annexes to the oil law.

    5. Why was the draft law rushed through without these annexes? Was it the case that you came under pressure to agree the basics, but to defer the details to a later date? What do you say about the rumours that attempts were made by the rest of the committee members to put more demands on the KRG by enlisting the support of US Embassy officials during the final stages of the negotiations?

    Towards the end of last year, some deadlines appeared to be set to get the law done quickly. That did not leave the committee with any time to focus on the remaining important issues of the oil law annexes as well as the Revenue Sharing Law. Naturally, as the imposed deadline approached, the debate became more intense and more focused on the unresolved issues. Some senior US Embassy officials were brought in to assist with the process. Yes, we all had different opinions on how to proceed to the final stage. The KRG’s concerns were very clear: we wanted to avoid having an incomplete law rushed through and we did not want to repeat the Constitution-drafting experience by putting form over substance. We were very much concerned that haste would be at a price of an incomplete drafting, that would likely lead to future internal conflicts and misunderstandings. We wanted to avoid creating uncertainties that would impact inward investment in the future. In that regard I am pleased to say that despite all the demands made from all quarters, including pressure from allies and colleagues within, we managed to persevere with our vision to get an agreement from all the parties that the remaining annexes and the revenue sharing law will also be agreed upon before submitting the whole package to the Council of Representatives.

    6. Can you tell us about the existing contracts? What will happen to them?

    There are five existing contracts. They were awarded before 2005. The contractors are DNO (Norwegian), Genel/Addax (Turkish/Canadian), WesternZagros (Canadian), PetPrime (Turkish/American), and A&T Energy (Turkish/American). These contracts have already been reviewed in the light of the draft Kurdistan Petroleum Act and modified where necessary to ensure that they meet the highest commercial standards. We do not envisage any further adjustments being necessary on these contracts; however we will consult the independent panel of experts appointed by the Federal Oil and Gas Committee, after its establishment under the Federal Oil Law, to ensure that they meet the Iraq-wide required standards. In the meantime, investment will continue under those contracts.
    7. Can you disclose anything about the terms of these contracts? Can you also respond to those critics who imply the presence of irregularities in these contracts being the reason why the KRG has not so far been willing to disclose them to the Federal Authorities?

    As you can appreciate, these are commercial contracts between two parties and it is unusual to publish these terms without the consent of the contractors involved. These contracts were specifically ratified by Article 141 of the Constitution, but in the interests of transparency we will allow them to be reviewed by a panel of experts once appointed by the future Federal Oil and Gas Committee. There are no irregularities in any of these contracts that I am aware of. We have already reviewed and modified these contracts and are satisfied that they meet international standards, and I am also sure that they will also pass all the criteria and guidelines that Iraq might adopt under the Federal Oil Law. However, in the interests of full transparency, we have decided to compile all these agreements and publish them in the near future on the KRG website for the Iraqi and international experts to see and comment on as they wish. I am quite sure that some commentators will see them as being amongst the toughest contracts even by today’s high oil price and market conditions. As usual the KRG will lead the way in transparency and accountability.

    8. Are there any more contracts in the pipeline and what would be the process for awarding new contracts in Kurdistan?

    We have been negotiating with a number of parties, including large companies. For new contracts we will follow the forthcoming federal guidelines to invite competitive sealed bids on a number of exploration areas in the Kurdistan Region. This will be done through a bidding process, and we will not finalise any new contracts for a couple of months or so to allow the Federal Oil Law to be adopted by the Council of Representatives. All new contract negotiations will be carried out and awarded by the KRG. However, we will allow the Federal Oil and Gas Committee and its appointed independent panel of experts to review them to ensure that they meet the agreed federal guidelines, before final ratification by the KRG. We see this process as a positive element of our overall policy, as it will apply to all new contracts throughout Iraq. This will ensure that common standards are adhered to and maximum returns are achieved for the whole country.

    9. If in two months time the law is not passed by the Council of Representatives in Baghdad, what would you do then?

    Let us hope that this will not happen. If in a two months time the law is still under debate by the Council of Representatives, then we will be reasonable about it and maintain support for the process being completed. However, if the oil law is still facing difficulties and the annexes and the Revenue Sharing Law have not been agreed, then that would be unfortunate as we will be facing a new situation and we will have to review our options again.

    10. It is not clear what would happen in the case of the disputed territories, would you able to elaborate any further on this issue?

    The disputed territories, including Kirkuk, are dealt with in the draft Federal Oil Law. We have agreed on two things: that the Iraq National Oil Company (INOC) will continue to manage the current producing fields, including Kirkuk; and that no further activities will take place in these areas until the referendum process is completed. It should be noted that since we have now agreed to share revenues throughout Iraq, oil and gas will not feature in our discussions regarding the future of the disputed territories. For sure, this will make it easier for all concerned to understand that the referendum required by Article 140 of the Constitution is not about oil, but it is just about people, their homes and their preference for being within the Kurdistan Region or not.

    11. Are you satisfied with the results and the contributions made by the KRG?

    If we go strictly by the Iraq Constitution, the KRG is entitled to assume much greater powers over oil and gas. However, to make it work for all concerned, we had to be accommodating and pragmatic in our approach. I am pleased to say that almost all our ideas are now featured highly in the draft Federal Oil Law; indeed, the Federal Oil Law is modelled on the Kurdistan Region Petroleum Law. I am particularly pleased with the articles which call for the restructuring of the industry throughout Iraq in order to create greater accountability and transparency and to offer opportunities for inward investment. The current draft of the Federal Law recognises that regional administrations will have the power to award contracts in the region. The companion Revenue Sharing Law would allow revenues to be distributed to the KRG and all other regions and provinces of Iraq based on their populations, whether they have oil or not. We see this as a major step towards stability throughout Iraq.

    12. What is the status of the draft Kurdistan Region Petroleum Act?

    The draft Kurdistan Region Petroleum Act has been ready for some time. It will be slightly modified to be in harmony with the draft Federal Oil Law and the Revenue Sharing Law. It will go to the Kurdistan Parliament around the same time as the Federal Oil Law and Revenue Sharing Law are submitted to the Iraq Council of Representatives.

    Hi gert...almost there.

  5. #285
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    An American official reveals the intention of American companies to invest in Kurdistan

    اربيل - كوناArbil - KUNA
    كشف مسؤول اميركي الاحد عن نية عدد كبير من الشركات الامريكية باقامة مشاريع استثمارية في اقليم كردستان العراق.واكد مبعوث وزارة دفاع الاميركية بول بريكيلي للصحفيين تشجيع الادارة الاميركية للشركات الاميركية المختلفة للقدوم الى اقليم كردستان العراق للمشاركة في المشاريع الاستثمارية في هذه المنطقة.وقال بريكيلي الذي يزور الاقليم على راس وفد يضم ممثلين عن وزارات الدفاع والخارجية والزراعة الاميركية بالاضافة الى عدد من رجال الاعمال وأصحاب الشركات الاميركية "نحن جئنا الى كردستان العراق لكي نجدد التزامنا بالوعود التي قطعناها مع حكومة اقليم كردستان العراق والشعب الكردي الخاصة بالمشاركة في العملية الاستثمارية في كردستان العراق ودعم حكومة الاقليم في عملية تغيير وتعديل التشريعات الخ��صة في ميدان التجارة".وبدوره عدد وزير التخطيط في حكومة اقليم كردستان العراق عثمان شواني للوفد المجالات التي بامكان الحكومة الاميركية مساعدة اقليم كردستان العراق وامكانية مجيء الشركات الاميركية للمساهمة في عملية الاعمار.An American official Sunday intention large number of companies by the American investment projects in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. The Ministry envoy defense Paul Brikele American journalists to promote the American administration of various American companies to come to Iraq's Kurdistan region to participate in investment projects in this region. He said Brikele who is visiting the province at the head of a delegation comprising representatives from the ministries of defense and foreign affairs and agriculture in addition to the American a number of businessmen and owners of American companies, "We have come to Iraqi Kurdistan to renew our commitment to the promises made with the government Iraq's Kurdistan region and the Kurdish people's right to participate in the investment process in Kurdistan of Iraq and supporting the territorial government in the process of change and amend legislation, etc. Sah in the field of trade. " and in turn, the number and Planning Minister in the government of Iraq's Kurdistan region Othman Shwani delegation of the areas where the government could American assistance of the Kurdistan of Iraq and the possibility of the arrival of American companies to contribute to the reconstruction process. وأكد ان حكومة اقليم كردستان العراق خصصت مبالغ ضخمة للمشاريع الاستثمارية داعيا الوفد لتشجيع شركاتهم للتوجه الى كردستان العراق للمشاركة في العملية الاستثمارية.يذكر ان هذه الزيارة هي الثالثة من نوعها في غضون الاشهر القليلة الماضية حيث تهدف هذه الزيارات الى تشجيع الشركات الاجنبية للمجيء الى كردستان العراق للمشاركة في المشاريع الاستثماريةHe stressed that the government of Iraq's Kurdistan region allocated huge sums of investment projects calling on the delegation to promote their companies to go to Iraqi Kurdistan to participate in the investment process. It is noteworthy that this visit is the third of its kind in the past few months such as the visits to to encourage foreign companies to come to Iraqi Kurdistan to participate in investment projects

    هيئة النزاهة تطالب بأستعادة الاموال العراقية من الشركات العربيةThe integrity demanding the restoration of Iraqi funds from Arab companies

    تقوم هيئة النزاهة العامة بمتابعة الاموال العراقية المستثمرة في الشركات العربية المساهم العراق برأسمالها .The follow-up to the public integrity Iraqi funds invested in companies Arab contributor Iraq capital. حيث تم مطالبة الشركة العربية للتعدين التي تتخذ من الاردن مقرا لها والتي يشارك فيها العراق بنسبة تزيد على 20% من اسهم الشركة باطلاق حصة العراق من الارباح لسنة 2002 المحتجزة في صندوق ادارة الودائع المجمدة لدى البنك المركزي الاردني والتي تقدر بأكثر من (1.196.500) مليون ومئة وستة وتسعون الف وخمسمائة دولار اميركيIt was a claim the Arab Company for Mining, which is based in Jordan, where it involving Iraq by more than 20% the company's shares opened Iraq's share of the profits for 2002, held on the fund management deposits frozen in the Central Bank of Jordan , which is estimated at more than one million (1.196.500), and six hundred and ninety-one thousand and five hundred dollars

    صنع في العراق..Made in Iraq. الجديدNew
    جبار عبدالحسين العقابيAbdul Jabbar punitive

    لا نريد المبالغة ولا نريد المزايدة لان مايدفعنا للكتابة شيء واحد هو هم الوطن والمواطن واذا ما اعتبرنا اننا ننتمي الى حضارة عريقة لها جذورها التأريخية ولها رسالتها المشرقة ولاننا نؤمن بأنه لاخير في امة لا تأكل مما تزرع ولا تلبس مما تصنع فأن من الواجب علينا ان نسعى قولاً وعملاص لتحقيق ذلك وتنمية رأس المال الوطني والصناعات الوطنية ما يلفت الانتباه انك اذا دخلت لاصغر بقالة في بغدادنا الحبيبة سيكون الذهول يسيطر عليك ، تجد عشرات الانواع من الفسائل المصنوعة في سوريا ومثلها ماهو مصنوع في الاردن وضعفها ماهو مصنوع في تركيا، تجد عشرات الانواع من السجائ من كافة المناشيء العربية والاسلامية والاجنبية تجد العشرات من انواع اللجوم المعلبة ومواد التنظيف المختلفة ومثلها من انواع الدجاج والاسماك واللحوم المثلجة والمواد المختلفة وعشرات الانواع من المشروبات الغازية المختلفة المنشأ لكن للصدفة تجد ان المستهلك يسأل عن المشروبات الغازية العراقية المنشأ بالمختصر لاتجد الا النذر اليسير من الصناعات الوطنية العراقية التي تحتل واجهات المحلات والاسواق العراقية وتجد في نفس الوقت الرغبة والاقبال من المواطن لشرائها ، الامر الذي يدفع الى مزيد من الدعم والاسناد لاصحاب المهن الحرة و\اصحاب الصناعات الصغيرة ودعم واسنادها في ظل الحديث عن الميزانية الانفجارية تارة والانشطارية تارة اخرى، اين مخصصات المصانع العاطلة عن العمل واين الدعم المقدم لاصحاب المصانع الصغيرة والمتوسطة من اجل انعاش الصناعات الوطنية وحتى لا نجد انفسنا لا نستخدم سوى العملة العراقية لشراء ماهو ليس عراقياً انقذوا الصناعات الوطنية قبل ان نفقد ما تبقى من الدبس والمشروبات الغازية والملح وتصبح امة تستهلك كل ماهو مستورد لان ذلك ربما يؤثر حتى على الجينات ونمط التفكير اذاانقرض كل ماهو عراقي وجميل لايبقى سوى الترحم على انفسنا.We do not want to exaggerate, and we do not want to maneuver because Maidvana to write one thing is the homeland and the citizen and if we consider that we belong the ancient civilization has historical roots and has its bright and we believe that the last resort in the nation, which does not sow the seeds of erosion and act, which makes it our duty to heart and strive to achieve that Amlas and development of the national capital and the national industries If you draw attention to the smallest entered a grocery store in Baghdadna beloved controlled You will be stunned to find dozens of types of clones manufactured in Syria and like what Made in Jordan and weaknesses What Made in Turkey, found dozens of species of all Alsjae Almenashie Arab, Islamic and foreign find dozens of types of canned Alljum and cleaning materials, like different types of chicken, fish, meat, chilled The various articles and dozens of types of carbonated drinks but different origin of the accident found that the consumer ask about the carbonated beverages Iraqi origin put it sees little of the Iraqi national industries, which occupies storefronts and Iraqi markets and find at the same time the desire The turnout of citizens to buy them, which leads to further support and backing for the self-employed and owners of small industries, er, support The assigned in light of the talk about the budget and sometimes explosive off at other times, where allocations factories on the unemployed and where support for owners of small and medium-sized factories to revitalize national industry and so we will not find ourselves not only use Iraqi currency to buy what not Save Iraqi national industries before we lose what is left of Al and carbonated drinks, salt and become a nation consumed all that is importer because that might even affect the pattern of gene Azaankarz think all that is beautiful and Iraqi pricks only mercy for ourselves.

    إجازة مشروعات جديدة باستثمارات مصرية عراقية بالاسكندريةLeave new projects with Egyptian-Iraqi Alexandria

    الاسكندرية - رويترزAlexandria-Reuters
    قال مسؤول فى المنطقة الحرة فى الاسكندرية بمصر السبت ان رجال أعمال عراقيين بدأوا ضخ استثمارات فى مشروعات داخل المنطقة الحرة بالعامرية.وأضاف ان مجلس ادارة المنطقة الحرة برئاسة عادل لبيب وافق على 11 مشروعا استثماريا جديدا يشارك فيها رجال أعمال عراقيون بأموال تقدر بحوالى 5 ملايين جنيه مصري.وقال المسؤول ان اجمالى الاستثمارات فى هذه المشروعات تبلغ 70 مليون جنيه مصرى وتقام على مساحة 2280 مترا مربعا.وتابع بقوله ان من هذه المشروعات 5 مشروعات صناعية تعمل فى مجالات انتاج الأسمدة والمبيدات والمعدات الكه��بائية والمفروشات والملابس الجاهزة وتصميم البرمجيات و5 مشروعات فى مجال الخدمات البترولية للشركات العاملة فى البترول والغاز.وصرح لبيب ان رأس المال المصرى المشارك فى هذه المشروعات 60 مليون جنيه بنسبة 86.7 في المائة ورأس المال العراقى 6.6 في المئة حوالى 5 ملايين جنيه والباقي استثمارات اجنبية من تركيا وأستراليا والنمسا وسويسراAn official in the free zone in Alexandria, Egypt on Saturday that Iraqi businessmen started pumping investments in projects within the region Free-Ameriya. He added that the board of the free zone chaired by Adel Labib approved 11 new investment projects involving businessmen Iraqi funds to the tune of five million pounds. The official said that the total investment in these projects is 70 million pounds. held on an area of 2280 square meters. He continued by saying that these projects from five industrial projects operating in the fields of fertilizer, pesticides and equipment Kah epidemiological and draperies, garments and the design of software and 5 projects in the field of petroleum services for companies operating in oil and gas. Labib said that Egyptian capital participating in the projects of 60 million pounds, or 86.7%, and the Iraqi capital 6.6% about five million pounds and the rest of foreign investments from Turkey, Australia, Austria and Switzerland

    الدايني: قانون النفط الجديد كارثة على العراقAldaine : Law oil disaster for the new Iraq

    بغداد- نيناBaghdad - Nina
    عد عضو مجلس النواب عن الجبهة العراقية للحوار الوطني محمد الدايني قانون النفط والغاز الذي لو وافق عليه مجلس النواب بانه كارثة حقيقية ستحل على العراق.Counting member of the House of Representatives on the Iraqi front for national dialogue Mohamed Aldaine the oil and gas, which if approved by the House of Representatives as a true disaster would befall Iraq. وقال:"اننا نعد هذا القانون كارثة حقيقة لاسباب منها ،ان القانون لم يكتب باياد عراقية وانما كتب في بلدان عديدة منها استراليا وكندا اي انه وضع مصالح الدول الغربية قبل مصحلة العراق والعراقيين".He said : "We are preparing this disaster law for reasons including the fact that the law did not write Iraqi hands, but wrote in many countries, including Australia and Canada that is to put the interests of Western countries before the interest of Iraq and Iraqis. " واضاف:"ان هذا القانون كتب باسلوب الشركات النفطية الكبرى في العالم الامريكية والانكليزية منها شركة شل العالمية وشركة بي بي اوماكو بالتواطؤ مع من له مصلحة شخصية داخل العراق، لذا ان الدول الغربية اسرعت بأنجاز هذا القانون الخطير".He added : "This law books in a major oil companies in the world, including American and English of Shell Corporation and the company ABB Aumako with the complicity of those who have a personal interest in Iraq, so that the Western countries has hastened the completion of this dangerous law. " واشار الدايني الى:"ان من المفروض ان يثبت في هذا القانون حصة لكل عائلة عراقية مثلما معمول به في كل البلدان العربية والخليجية والبدان الاخرى التي تسعى من اجل مصلحة شعبها وهذه الحصة تكون نسبة حقيقية من عائدات النفط المصدرة".He pointed to Aldaine : "it should prove that the law share each Iraqi family, as the case in all countries Arab, Gulf and other countries are seeking for the benefit of its people and the proportion of real share of the proceeds of oil exports. " واوضح:"ان نسبة حصة كل عائلة عراقية من عوائد التصدير تقدر 12.5 الى 25%، وهذا ما معمول به في دول العالم، لكننا لو اخذنا نسبة 12.5 من الصادرات البالغة 2 مليون برميل يوميا وتضرب في سعر البرميل الواحد ، فتبلغ حصة العائلة 4 الف دولار، في حين ان دول العالم تعطي 25 % من نسبة العائدات والباقي يتم انفاقها على جميع مؤسسات الدولة الخدمية والصحية والنفطية ومؤسسات الجيش والشرطة والباقي يذهب الى خزينة الدولة النقدي ".He explained : "The percentage share of each Iraqi family of export earnings estimated 12.5 to 25%, and this is what happening in the countries of the world, But if we take the ratio of 12.5 exports of two million barrels a day and attacked in the price per barrel, hit share family four thousand dollars, while the countries of the world gives 25% of the proceeds and the rest will be spent on all State institutions and the health service and the oil and the military and police, while the rest goes to the state treasury cash. " وبين الدايني:"ان القانون الجديد لايحمي الثروات النفطية العراقية ضمن الحقول المشتركة مع البلدان المجاورة وهي ايران وسوريا والكويت، وهذه الدول تستغل الى اليوم هذه الحقول مستغلة الوضع الذي يعيشه العراق، مشيرا:" ان حصة العائلة العراقية خلال الاربع سنوات الماضية تبلغ اكثر من190 الف دولار، وتساءل لماذا لايتم توزيعها من قبل الحكومة التي جاءت بأسم الشعب العراقيAnd between Aldaine : "The new law Aihami wealth of Iraqi oil fields in the common with the neighboring countries of Iran, Syria and Kuwait, and these countries. to exploit these fields today advantage of the situation of Iraq, noting : "The share of the Iraqi family during the four years of more than 190 thousand dollars, and wondered why the Itim distributed by the government, which came on behalf of the Iraqi people

    القوانين والموازنة العراقية الجديدة تسرع اعادة اعمار العراقLaws and the new Iraqi budget expedite the reconstruction of Iraq

    أقرت السفارة الاميركية في العراق ان انجاز قانون النفط والغاز الجديد والتصديق على الموازنة العامة لعام 2007 سيسرع عمليات اعادة اعمار العراق.وتجدر الاشارة الى أن المنسق في السفارة الاميركية والمشرف على الانتقال الاقتصادي واعادة الاعمار في العراق وصف قانون النفط والغاز الجديد ،والموازنة العامة لعام 2007 بالعمل المهم.ومن جهة أخرى، ذكر السفير خلال مؤتمر صحافي في المنطقة الخضراء ببغداد ان هناك تغييرا كب يرا في السياسة الاميريكية الحالية في العراق، والهدف منه جعل العراق منتجا في مجال الاقتصاد وتفعيل وجوده الخارجي من خلال التنسيق بين السفارة الاميركية وفريق اعادة الاعمار الخاصThe American embassy in Iraq that the completion of the new oil and gas and ratification of the general budget for 2007 would expedite the re - reconstruction of Iraq. It should be noted that the coordinator in the American embassy and the supervisor of economic transition and reconstruction in Iraq described the oil law The new gas, and the general budget for 2007 important work. On the other hand, he said during a press conference in the Green Zone in Baghdad that there is a change kip Lira Alamirikeh current policy in Iraq, and the aim is to make Iraq a producer in the area of economy and the quality and activating space through coordination between the American embassy and the reconstruction sector

    النفط أداة لتوحيد العراقOil tool for the unification of Iraq
    بقلم زلماي خليلزادBy Zalmay Khalilzad

    بموجب "قانون الهيدركربون الوطني" الذي أجازه مجلس الوزراء العراقي في الأسبوع الماضي، فإن من المقرر أن يكون النفط أداة لتوحيد العراق، إلى جانب منحه جميع العراقيين نصيباً ودوراً في صنع مستقبل بلادهم.Under the "Law of the National Alhidrkerbon" that leave the Iraqi Council of Ministers last week, it will be the tool to unify oil Iraq, and to give all Iraqis a stake and a role in the future of their country. وتعد إجازة هذا القانون إنجازاً كبيراً باتجاه المصالحة الوطنية العراقية.The leave this law a major achievement towards national reconciliation in Iraq. ذلك أنه يكشف عن قدرة القادة العراقيين الرئيسيين على توحيد صفوفهم وإرادتهم، من أجل التصدي السلمي لأعقد المعضلات الوطنية التي تواجهها بلادهم.It reveals the ability of key Iraqi leaders to unite in their will, in order to address the most complex dilemmas of peaceful national facing their country. ولا غرو أن إزالة الهواجس الخاصة بالسيطرة على النفط وإدارته، تحتل موقعاً مركزياً وأهمية قصوى في تجاوز الانقسامات الداخلية العراقية، خاصة وأن العراق يحتل المرتبة الثالثة عالمياً من حيث وفرة الاحتياطيات النفطية، بينما تسهم عائدات النفط، بنسبة 90 في المئة من الدخل الفيدرالي القومي.Not surprisingly, remove concerns of the oil control and management, occupies a central position and importance in the Iraqi overcome internal divisions, especially since Iraq ranks third in the world in terms of the abundance of oil reserves, while contributing oil revenues, 90% income from the federal National. وإلى جانب ما للإدارة الفاعلة العادلة للموارد النفطية العراقية من أهمية بالغة لنمو الاقتصاد العراقي نفسه، فهي بالقدر ذاته، تلعب دوراً مهماً جداً في شعور كافة أقسام المجتمع العراقي وشرائحه، بوحدة الهدف المشترك بينها.In addition to the management of the players just for Iraqi oil resources of great importance for the growth of the Iraqi economy itself, it is equally, play a very important role in the sense of all sections of Iraqi society, and society, including the unity of the common goal. وكان هدف القادة العراقيين، صياغة مسودة تشريعية، هدفها طمأنة العراقيين جميعاً على ضمان حصولهم على حقهم من خيرات وفوائد تنمية الموارد والثروات الطبيعية لبلادهم، وأن في وسع عائدات النفط والغاز الطبيعي، أن تساعد في تحقيق لامركزية السلطة، والحفاظ على وحدة العراق وترابه في ذات الوقت.The goal of Iraqi leaders, the drafting of legislation, aimed to reassure all the Iraqi people to ensure their access to the right of the bounties and benefits of development The natural wealth and resources of their country, and expanded in oil revenues and natural gas, can help in the decentralization of power, and maintain the unity Iraq and the soil at the same time. كما هدف القادة أيضاً إلى طمأنة العراقيين على أن بلادهم ستتبع أفضل وأكفأ الممارسات العالمية في تنمية وإدارة ثرواتها وموادها المعدنية.The leaders also aim to reassure Iraqis that their country will follow the best and most efficient practices in the global development and management of wealth and material mineral. وبموجب هذه المعايير جميعاً، فإن هذا القانون يعد نجاحاً كبيراً، لعدة نواحٍ وأسباب، أولها وفي مقدمتها، التأكيد على ملكية جميع المواطنين لموارد النفط والغاز الطبيعي العراقيين، وبالتالي على الالتزام بالتوزيع العادل لعائدات هذه الموارد بين جميع الأقاليم والمناطق العراقية، اعتماداً على الكثافة السكانية لكل منطقة.By these standards all, this law is a great success, for several respects and the reasons, the first and foremost, the emphasis on the ownership of all citizens of the resources of oil and natural gas Iraqis, and therefore the obligation equitable distribution of the proceeds of these resources among all the provinces and regions of Iraq, depending the population density of each region. وثانيها إنشاؤه إطاراً عاماً وآليات للتعاون الفيدرالي الإقليمي، بما يكشف عن التزام الحكومة بالديمقراطية ونهج الحكم الفيدرالي.Second, established a general framework and mechanisms for cooperation federal level, so as to reveal the government's commitment to democracy and a federal government. ثالثاً إنشاؤه جهازاً وطنياً لسياسات الطاقة، هو "المجلس الفيدرالي للنفط والغاز"، الذي يتوقع له أن يضم ممثلين عن كافة الأقاليم والمحافظات المنتجة للنفط.Thirdly establishment of a national energy policy, is "the Federal Council of oil and gas", which is expected to include representatives of all regions The oil-producing provinces. رابعاً تأكيده على توريد كافة مبيعات النفط والغاز لحساب مصرفي واحد، فضلاً عن تأكيده على حصول كافة المحافظات على نصيب مباشر من تلك الإيرادات، مما يعني حدوث زيادة ملحوظة كبيرة في الإدارة المحلية للموارد المالية للبلاد.Fourthly emphasis on the supply of all sales of oil and gas to one bank account, as well as the emphasis on obtaining all governorates to share direct from the income, which means a significant increase in the local administration of the financial resources of the country. خامساً إنشاؤه معايير دولية للشفافية فضلاً عن تمكينه لعامة الشعب من الاطلاع على العقود المبرمة وعائداتها ودفعياتها.V. established international standards of transparency as well as to enable the common people to read contracts and revenue and Dfayatha. ويمثل هذا الجانب، عنصراً بالغ الأهمية في بناء الثقة في النظام السياسي العراقي الجديد، وكذلك في محاربة ظاهرة الفساد واستئصالها.This represents a side, a critical element in building confidence in the new Iraqi political system, as well as in combating and eradicating the phenomenon of corruption. هذا وقد حدد القانون دور وزارة النفط بكونه دوراً تنظيمياً بالدرجة الأولى، شريطة أن يتبنى المعايير الحديثة، ويعمل على دفع السوق وتشجيعه على تحقيق أقصى نمو ممكن للموارد النفطية العراقية.This law has set the role of the Ministry of Oil of being primarily a regulatory role, provided that adopts modern standards, and works to pay the market and encourage them to achieve the maximum possible growth of the Iraqi oil resources. يضاف إلى ذلك توفير التشريع الجديد، إطاراً عاماً يفتح الطريق أمام الاستثمارات العالمية في قطاعي النفط والغاز العراقيين، فيما يعد تحولاً بالغ الأهمية في نهج المركزية المفرطة، الذي كان سائداً في ماضي هذين القطاعين.Moreover, the provision of the new legislation, a general framework opens the way for international investments in the oil and gas sectors, the Iraqis, while longer very important shift in the approach of excessive centralization, which prevailed in the past these two sectors. أما في جانب الحماية البيئية، فقد نص القانون على تبني أفضل التطبيقات المتبعة في حماية البيئة وإدارتها وتنميتها، بما يؤكد عدم الإضرار بالبيئة، وكذلك عدم إهدار موارد الهيدروكربون، على نحو ما كان يحدث وفقاً للتطبيقات والممارسات السابقة.As part of environmental protection, the law on the adoption of best practice applications in environmental protection, management and development, including the Non damage to the environment, as well as avoiding wasting hydrocarbon resources, as was happening in accordance with the applications and practices of the past. وتعد هذه هي المرة الأولى منذ عام 2003، التي تتحد فيها إرادة كافة فئات المجتمع العراقي على خطوة تشريعية من هذا النوع.It is also the first time since 2003, which will combine all segments of Iraqi society to step legislative this type. ولذلك فهي تشير إلى إمكانية التوصل إلى مصالحة وطنية عراقية، من شأنها بسط الأمن وإرساء دعائم السلام، فيما لو أتبعت بتنازلات سياسية مماثلة، فيما يتصل بمستقبل تفكيك حزب "البعث" وإجراء تعديلات على الدستور الوطني.Therefore, it refers to the possibility of a national reconciliation in Iraq, would establish security and lay the foundations of peace, if followed similar political concessions in relation to the future dismantling of "Baath" Party, and the amendments to the national constitution. وعلينا أن نستمد الثقة من هذا الاتفاق السياسي الذي تحقق، في استعداد العراقيين وقدرتهم على اتخاذ ما يلزم من الخطوات لإنجاح التحول السياسي لبلادهمWe have to draw confidence from this political agreement achieved, in the willingness of the Iraqis and their ability to take the necessary steps to ensure the success of the political transition of their country

    الغانم: السعوديون يريدون السيطرة على السوق العراقيGhannam : Saudis want to control the Iraqi market.

    متابعة المواطنFollow citizen
    أكد مدير عام الإدارة العامة للكمارك ابراهيم الغانم ان الحدود الكويتية "لا تحتاج الى مختبر كما يطالب المصدرون السعوديون"، مشيراً الى ان المنافذ الكويتية "لم تطلب من شاحنات الترانزيت السعودية أي شهادة صحية ولكن يطلب فقط المستند الكمركي للبضائع"، لافتاً الى ان مشكلة المصدرين السعوديين مع المنافذ العراقية وليست المنافذ الكويتية.وقال الغانم في تصريح ان مشكلة المصدر السعودي تكمن في منفذ صفوان الذي يغلق أبوابه الساعة الواحدة ظهراً وبالتالي يحدث تكدس للبضائع السعودية والكويتية ايضاً.واشار الغانم الى ان الكمارك الكويتية وضعت خطتين في منفذ العبدلي الأولى فتح خط سريع للبضائع الغذائية حتى لا تفسد والثانية للبضائع الأخرى.ولفت الغانم الى ان العراقيل تأتي في الحدود السعودية للبضائع الكويتية وليس العكس.وبيّن الغانم ان الشاحنات السعودية التي تدخل الكويت تتراوح ما بين 600 الى 800 شاحنة يومياً والترانزيت ما بين 250 إلى 300 شاحنة يومياً.وأوضح ان التاجر السعودي "يريد السيطرة على السوق العراقي كما فعل في الماضي في السوق الكويتي"، مشيراً الى "تكسير الأسعار في الاسمنت والدواجن والمواد الغذائية فكان هناك إغراق في المنتجات السعودية في السوق الكويتي والآن يريدون السوق العراقي".وأكد الغانم ان الحدود الكويتية "تعامل البضائع السعودية كأنها كويتية ولا تفرق بينهما"، مشيراً الى رسوم تدفع من التاجر السعودي للمخلص الكمركي في السعودية وهي تقارب 160 ديناراً ولكن في الكويت لا يدفع شيء يذكر.وقال الغانم "الرسوم التي تفرض في الحدود الكويتية تطبق على التاجر الكويتي قبل السعودي، بالاضافة الى التسهيلات في الاجراءات وخصوصاً للتاجر السعودي".وأشار الغانم الى ان هناك 3000 شاحنة سعودية تعمل داخل الكويت مع الجيش الأميركي.وكانت وزارة التجارة السعودية أعلنت منذ أيام انها تقود تحركاً لتذليل جملة من العقبات التي تواجه الصادرات السعودية الى العراق عبر الأراضي الكويتية.وقالت الوزارة ان لجنة سعودية كويتية تتبادل حالياً النقاش بهدف تخفيف الاجراءات الكويتية المشددة والتي ساهمت في تعطيل وتأخير وصول المنتجات السعودية الى العراق، وقال مدير مركز تنمية الصادرات السعودية عيد القحطاني ان هناك مساعي حكومية جادة لإنهاء معاناة المصدرين السعوديين، لافتاً الى ان فتح منفذ مباشر مع العراق يحتاج الى قرار سياسي.وأكد القحطاني "ان المشكلة الرئيسية التي تواجه المصدرين السعوديين تكمن في عدم وجود مختبرات في المنافذ الكويتية، الأمر الذي يستلزم دخولها على شكل قوافل".وقال ان المصدرين السعوديين يعانون من فرض رسوم من قبل البلد الوسيط للتصدير (الكويت)، اضافة الى معوقات تتمثل في تجميعهم والسير بهم على شكل قوافل، وان ذلك اشبه ما يكون ب��ملية التضييق على المصدرين السعوديين لإتاحة المجال لغيرهم من ابناء البلد الوسيط في التصدير.وقال ان مشكلات التصدير عن طريق طرف وس��ط كثيرة ومعقدة، ومن أبرز ما يواجهه المصدرون السعوديون للعراق هي التكاليف الاضافية وعامل الوقت، خصوصاً في بعض المواد الت ي قد تتعرض للتلف، اضافة الى تعطيل المعدات والتي غالباً ما تكون مستأجرة، والتعرض لبعض الاستفزازات.The director of the General Department of Customs Ibrahim Al Ghanim the Kuwaiti border, "does not require a laboratory is also asking the Saudis exporters," noting the Kuwaiti outlets, "did not ask for the transit of trucks Saudi any health certificate, but the only document Alkamrki of goods," pointing the problem with the Saudi exporters outlets Iraqi and Kuwaiti outlets not. Ghannam said in a statement that the problem lies in the Saudi source outlet Safwan, which closed its doors one p.m. and thus occurs accumulation of goods Saudi and Kuwaiti well. Ghannam pointed out that the Kuwaiti customs put plans in the Abdali first outlet opening line of goods fast food so as not to spoil and two other goods. He pointed out that Ghannam obstacles came in the border of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait goods, and not vice versa. Ghannam and that the trucks enter Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, which ranged from 600 about 800 trucks per day and transit between 250 to 300 trucks daily. He explained that the Saudi merchant "wants to control the Iraqi market. as it has done in the past in the Kuwaiti market, "pointing to" break in the price of cement, poultry, and food was dumped in there Saudi products in the Kuwaiti market and now want the Iraqi market. " Ghannam emphasized that the Kuwaiti border "treated as if Kuwaiti goods Saudi Arabia does not differentiate between them, "pointing to the fees paid by the merchant for Saudi loyal Alkamrki in Saudi Arabia which is approximately 160 dinars, but not in Kuwait pay little. Ghannam said, "charges imposed in the Kuwaiti border applied to the merchant before the Kuwaiti-Saudi relations, in addition to the facilities in procedures and especially to Saudi trader. " Ghannam pointed out that in 3000 there was a truck inside Saudi Kuwait with the American army. The Saudi Ministry of Commerce announced days ago that they lead a move to overcome a number of obstacles facing Saudi exports to Iraq through Kuwaiti territory. The ministry said The Commission Saudi Kuwaiti exchange currently debate in order to reduce the Kuwaiti strict procedures which have contributed to the disruption and delay in the arrival of products Saudi Arabia in Iraq, and the director of the Saudi Exports Development Center Eid Al-Qahtani that there are serious government efforts to end the suffering of Saudi exporters, he the opening of direct access with Iraq needs a political decision. The Qahtani "that the main problem facing exporters Saudi lie in the absence of laboratories in the Kuwaiti outlets, which requires entry in the form of convoys. " He said that Saudi exporters suffer from the imposition of charges by the country of export mediator (Kuwait), in addition to the obstacles are assembled and walk them in the form of convoys, and that this would be like the b Malé restrictions on Saudi exporters to allow for others who are the sons of the mediator in the country of export. He said that the problems of export through party w i many and complex, and most exporters faced the Saudis to Iraq is the additional cost and the time factor, especially in some of the articles Walt j may be damaged, in addition to the suspension equipment, which are often rented, and exposure to some provocations.

    العراق اول دولة تاخذ بنظام اتفاقات تقاسم الأرباح أو الإنتاج في النفطIraq takes first State agreements under the profit-sharing or production of oil

    أثار إقرار الحكومة العراقية لقانون النفط الجديد هذا الأسبوع ردود أفعال متباينة على المستويين المحلي والدولي.The effects of the Iraqi government to the new oil law this week reactions mixed at the local and international levels. ويعطي هذا القانون الذي مازال بحاجة الى مصادقة مجلس النواب الحق للشركات الأجنبية الاستثمار على أساس نظام "اتفاقات تقاسم الأرباح أو الإنتاج" المعروف بـ "PSA" وبذلك سيكون العراق أول دولة في الشرق الأوسط تعتمد على هذه الطريقة في اجتذاب الشركات النفطية الكبرى الى البلد، في الوقت الذي تعمل روسيا وفنزويلا حاليا على الخروج من هذا النظام.Given this law, which still needs ratification by the House of the right of companies with foreign investment on the basis of "profit-sharing agreements or production, "known as the" PSA "and that Iraq will be the first country in the Middle East depends on the way to attract companies major oil to the country, while Russia and Venezuela currently out of this system. وستذهب جميع العائدات من حقول النفط الحالية والمستقبلية بعد أن تأخذ الشركات الأجنبية حصتها منها الى الحكومة المركزية في بغداد وهي التي ستقوم بتوزيعها على المحافظات او الأقاليم حسب تعدادها السكاني.And going all proceeds from the oil fields of current and future after foreign companies to take their share of the central government in Baghdad , which will distribute it to the provinces or territories according to the population census. وبعد يوم واحد من إقرار الحكومة العراقية للقانون الجديد أعلنت إدارة الرئيس بوش قبولها الجلوس الى طاولة الحوار مع إيران وسوريا لمناقشة الأوضاع في العراقAfter one day of the Iraqi government to the new law, the administration of President Bush announced the acceptance of a seat at the table of dialogue with Iran and Syria to discuss the situation in Iraq
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    Default Industry being revitalized in Iraq

    By AFP
    Middle East Times
    Published March 4, 2007


    Industry is being revitalized in Iraq, despite the raging violence, and creating lucrative openings for entrepreneurs brave enough to do business here, a top US official insists.

    Paul Brinkley, the Pentagon's deputy under secretary for business, has been touring Iraq for the past week with some 45 US business executives.

    He said in Baghdad that many dormant state-owned factories would start firing up again "within months."

    Already, a plant producing vehicles has reopened in Iskandiriyah, about 40 kilometers (25 miles) south of Baghdad, providing valuable job opportunities for locals. "Others will soon follow," he promised.

    Brinkley told journalists, who donned helmets and bullet-proof vests to make the trip out of Baghdad to the US military's Camp Victory Saturday, that economic growth could help quell the city's chronic sectarian violence.

    "There is a recognition that security and economic prosperity go hand-in-hand, and that unemployment in Iraq is contributing to the frustrations of people and creating sympathy for insurgents," Brinkley said.

    Since a US-led coalition invaded Iraq in 2003 to topple the regime of Saddam Hussein, most factories have been lying idle, or operating at very low rates of production, he said.

    Many of these possess modern equipment, while others have machinery at least as good as many enterprises operating efficiently in India and China.

    "They can quickly be revitalized," Brinkley said. "The factories served as the engine for the Iraqi economy and must be restarted."

    The US government, he added, is working with the ministries of finance and industry as well as with Deputy Prime Minister Barham Saleh "to get this economic engine running again so that thousands ... can regain employment."

    Enterprises that could be restarted fairly easily, he said, included upstream and downstream oil activities, textiles, heavy machinery, chemicals, minerals, and electronics, among others.

    At the same time, he added, his department is involved in efforts to connect international entrepreneurs with Iraqi business leaders so private concerns and factories can also be jolted back to life.

    He and his group had travelled around Baghdad and the provinces or districts of Anbar, Iskandiriyah, Arbil, and Diyala, meeting business leaders, farmers, and others from across the social and economic spectrum.

    Those travelling with Brinkley said they had been surprised not only at the potential that exists in the embattled country, but also at just how far Iraq's dormant industrial capacity has decayed or fallen into disuse.

    "The industry ministry controls 200 factory sites, but these factories are running on average at only 10 percent of capacity," said Fred Cook, a US government specialist in labor affairs.

    "The ministry has 196,000 workers on its payroll, but only a small fraction of these are actively employed in factories. Most are under-employed and paid only a small fraction of what they were previously paid," he explained.

    "Our goal is to restart industry and to put people back to work."

    Mahdi Sajjad, of British-based Gulfsands Petroleum, said the potential for upstream and downstream activities linked to Iraq's lucrative oil industry - the country's dominant foreign exchange earner - is enormous.

    His company has already made an offer to deal with Iraq's flared gas - the burn-off that most other oil producers in the developed world have long been converting to dry and liquid gas.

    "We have proposed that we do the processing for free. We will deliver the dry gas to the Iraqi government and then sell the liquefied gas on the open market," Sajjad said. "We are just waiting for the go-ahead."

    Julian Burns, vice-president of BAE Systems North America, which makes trucks as well as defense and aerospace systems, said he had found the Iraqis a "resourceful and proud people who are ready to do business."

    He was not concerned, he said, about talk of Iraq sliding relentlessly towards civil war. "I'm a retired army general and I'm here to do business in Iraq," he said. "That, in itself, is a message."

    US official Brinkley, too, shrugged off talk of civil war.

    "It's been good to have come here and to have spoken to the people. All say they just want to live in peace.

    "In any case, many multinationals do business in other dangerous places in the world. There is no reason they should not do so in Iraq as well."

    Copyright © 2007 News World Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
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    Default Baghdad-Businessmen

    Voices of Iraq / Baghdad
    Posted by nakr2004 on Mar 03, 2007 - 06:49 PM

    U.S. official says network of Iraqi and world businessmen underway
    By Hossam al-Shahmani
    Baghdad, March 3, (VOI) – A U.S. official said his job in Iraq is to create a network between Iraqi businessmen and their global counterparts to help refresh the country's economy.

    U.S. official says network of Iraqi and world businessmen underway
    By Hossam al-Shahmani
    Baghdad, March 3, (VOI) – A U.S. official said his job in Iraq is to create a network between Iraqi businessmen and their global counterparts to help refresh the country's economy.
    "We will work on refurbishing defunct government plants. International businessmen can invest in Iraq by reviving these," said Paul Brinkley, U.S. Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Business Transformation in a press conference held in Baghdad on Saturday.
    "We are now working with the Iraqi government to draw up a plan for these large abandoned plants," Brinkley said in the conference, which was attended by 50 representatives from U.S. and global corporations and experts from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
    He added that he had visited 50 government-owned plants since he arrived in Iraq nine months ago, including one that feeds local industries, as well as others producing textiles, chemicals, blankets, carpets and electrical appliances.
    "A following stage will see international businessmen and agronomists coming to Iraq to meet Iraqi farmers from all sectors to become acquainted with their needs," said Brinkley.
    He pointed out "there is clear acknowledgement that Iraq's security and economic boom must go in parallel lines and that unemployment in Iraq is one of the reasons behind terrorism."
    The U.S. official referred to "an allocated budget for special projects, including reconstruction and plant infrastructure," noting "there is a difference between the budget allocated to the rebuilding of Iraq and the one allocated to reinvigorate these plants."
    Brinkley, however, did not reveal details of the budget.
    Meanwhile Mahdi Sajad, Brinkley's advisor for oil and gas affairs, said "after the Iraqi parliament approves the law on oil we will be looking forward to a flourishing Iraqi future, as the law will allow companies prospecting oil to develop production."
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
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    العراقOil tool for the unification of Iraq
    خليلزادBy Zalmay Khalilzad

    بلادهم.Under the "Law of the National Alhidrkerbon" that leave the Iraqi Council of Ministers last week, it will be the tool to unify oil Iraq, and to give all Iraqis a stake and a role in the future of their country. العراقية.The leave this law a major achievement towards national reconciliation in Iraq. ذلك أنه يكشف .It reveals the ability of key Iraqi leaders to unite in their will, in order to address the most complex dilemmas of peaceful national facing their country. ولا ي.Not surprisingly, remove concerns of the oil control and management, occupies a central position and importance in the Iraqi overcome internal divisions, especially since Iraq ranks third in the world in terms of the abundance of oil reserves, while contributing oil revenues, 90% income from the federal National. تلعب دوراً بينها.In addition to the management of the players just for Iraqi oil resources of great importance for the growth of the Iraqi economy itself, it is equally, play a very important role in the sense of all sections of Iraqi society, and society, including the unity of the common goal. وكان هدف.The goal of Iraqi leaders, the drafting of legislation, aimed to reassure all the Iraqi people to ensure their access to the right of the bounties and benefits of development The natural wealth and resources of their country, and expanded in oil revenues and natural gas, can help in the decentralization of power, and maintain the unity Iraq and the soil at the same time. م.The leaders also aim to reassure Iraqis that their country will follow the best and most efficient practices in the global development and management of wealth and material mineral. منطقة.By these standards all, this law is a great success, for several respects and the reasons, the first and foremost, the emphasis on the ownership of all citizens of the resources of oil and natural gas Iraqis, and therefore the obligation equitable distribution of the proceeds of these resources among all the provinces and regions of Iraq, depending the population density of each region. .Second, established a general framework and mechanisms for cooperation federal level, so as to reveal the government's commitment to democracy and a federal government. ثالثاً للنفط.Thirdly establishment of a national energy policy, is "the Federal Council of oil and gas", which is expected to include representatives of all regions The oil-producing provinces. .Fourthly emphasis on the supply of all sales of oil and gas to one bank account, as well as the emphasis on obtaining all governorates to share direct from the income, which means a significant increase in the local administration of the financial resources of the country. .V. established international standards of transparency as well as to enable the common people to read contracts and revenue and Dfayatha. .This represents a side, a critical element in building confidence in the new Iraqi political system, as well as in combating and eradicating the phenomenon of corruption. هذا وقد ة.This law has set the role of the Ministry of Oil of being primarily a regulatory role, provided that adopts modern standards, and works to pay the market and encourage them to achieve the maximum possible growth of the Iraqi oil resources. .Moreover, the provision of the new legislation, a general framework opens the way for international investments in the oil and gas sectors, the Iraqis, while longer very important shift in the approach of excessive centralization, which prevailed in the past these two sectors. أما البيئة السابقة.As part of environmental protection, the law on the adoption of best practice applications in environmental protection, management and development, including the Non damage to the environment, as well as avoiding wasting hydrocarbon resources, as was happening in accordance with the applications and practices of the past. وتعد هذه .It is also the first time since 2003, which will combine all segments of Iraqi society to step legislative this type. .Therefore, it refers to the possibility of a national reconciliation in Iraq, would establish security and lay the foundations of peace, if followed similar political concessions in relation to the future dismantling of "Baath" Party, and the amendments to the national constitution. دهمWe have to draw confidence from this political agreement achieved, in the willingness of the Iraqis and their ability to take the necessary steps to ensure the success of the political transition of their country
    جريدة المواطن العراقية

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    وفيJustice / follow-Turkey said yesterday that the foreign companies expressed their interest in working with the company to prospect for oil Turkish TNT. Bi. eh. State-owned or in the search for crude oil and natural gas in northern Iraq. In
    .Earlier last week, said Turkish Energy Minister said that his country would begin talks this month with American and Iraqi governments on the possibility of the start of exploration in northern Iraq. Juler said to reporters, "There foreign companies in Iraq actually wants to work with us and submit bids direct TV company. Bi. eh. or. we will evaluate these proposals and we will soon make an announcement in this regard. " He added that it was natural for Turkey, which imports most of their energy to participate in oil exploration in Iraq. ولم .There were no details of the companies or regions wishing TNT. Bi. Eh. Or in prospecting for oil there.
    جريدة العدالة العراقية - تركيا تقول انها تتلقى عروض مساعدة في التنقيب عن النفط بشمال العراق

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    Default Iraqi Investments

    Quote Originally Posted by TerryTate View Post

    Any thoughts on why they wouldn't want this in the paper here in the U.S.???

    Hmm, anyone know how to get Canadian stocks???....


    This has been an insiders stock on potential Iraq explosion for several years, in fact, the CEO is connected with Iraq more than just in business relationship, so much has been going on behind the scenes which is just now starting to be leaked, but for those already invested, things are about to heat up with this release.

    By the way, WTO is also listed on U.S. exchanges under WTO, so no need to open CAN stock account. This is a sound investment for the future, so put some dinar into it once it hits. (g)

    Good luck to all, Mike

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