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  1. #621
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    Quote Originally Posted by One Oar View Post
    I think it would be safe to assume at the very least this week, we will see enactment (official) of the FIL. Anyone?

    I am with you, buddy!!
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  2. #622
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post

    " Regarding the timing of the announcement of the changes said, "I think that there is a time for the declaration, including that now there is a plan or the declared intention under the rubric of law authorized the imposition of a stage to come will be to conduct administrative Taidelat It is a declaration of ministerial amendments. "
    The time has come for miniterial Amendments. NOW RV would you !!
    Last edited by OmaRich; 19-02-2007 at 05:09 PM. Reason: Tried to change font.

  3. #623
    Member RockyBB's Avatar
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    Default Well,Well,Well, Lookie here....

    A little old but very good....

    The Mini Economic Boom in Iraq That Is Hardly Reported
    Amir Taheri, Arab News

    UM QASAR, Iraq — While the American political elite are using Iraq as an excuse for fighting internal political wars, a different reality is taking shape in parts of this war-torn nation. Wherever some measure of security is assured, that is to say in more than 80 percent of Iraq, towns and villages long left to die a slow death are creeping back to life.

    Nowhere is this slow but steady return to life more startling than in Um Qasar, in the southeast extremity of Iraq on the Gulf. Four years ago, this was a jumble of rusting quays, abandoned houses, gutted buildings, and a wall of mud erected by an ever-receding sea. By the spring of 2003, Um Qasar’s population had dwindled to a few dozen, along with hundreds of stray dogs. There was even talk of abandoning it altogether.

    Today, however, Um Qasar is back in business as a port with commercial and military functions. Hundreds of families that had left after the first Gulf War in 1991, have returned to join many more who have come from all over Iraq to seek a fortune.

    The boom in Um Qasar is part of a broader picture that also includes Basra, the sprawling metropolis of southern Iraq, the Shiite holy cities of Najaf and Karbala, the Fayli stronghold of Mandali on the Iranian border, and much of Baghdad, not to mention the Kurdish provinces in the northeast.

    When the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank reported two years ago that the Iraqi economy was heading for a boom, skeptics dismissed that as misplaced optimism. Now, however, even some of those who opposed the toppling of Saddam Hussein admit that many Iraqis share that optimism. Newsweek has just hailed the emergence of a booming market economy in Iraq as “the mother of all surprises,” noting “that Iraqis are more optimistic about the future than most Americans are.” The reason, of course, is that Iraqis know what is going on in their country while Americans are fed a diet of exclusively negative reporting from Iraq, focused on terrorist attacks, and motivated by an almost irrational hatred of the Bush administration.

    The growing dynamism of the Iraqi economy is reflected in the steady increase in the value of the national currency, the dinar, against the three currencies in direct competition with it in the Iraqi marketplace: The Iranian rial, the Kuwaiti dinar, and the US dollar, since January 2006.
    No doubt, part of the dinar’s strength reflects the rise in Iraq’s income from oil exports to almost $40 billion in 2006, an all-time record. But oil alone does not explain all, since both Iran and Kuwait are bigger exporters than Iraq. The fact that civil servant salaries have increased by almost 30 percent, with a further 30 percent due to come into effect early next year, has also helped boost demand. But a good part of the boom is due to an unexpected flow of foreign capital. This has been facilitated by the prospect of a liberal law on direct foreign investments, something that exists only in such free-trade parts of the region as Dubai and Bahrain. None of Iraq’s six neighbors offers such guarantee for the free flow of capital to and from the country.

    Since the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003, the number of private companies in Iraq has increased from a mere 8,000 to more than 35,000 this year. Each week an average of 60 new companies spring up in Iraq’s booming areas.

    A good part of the investment in southern Iraq, including Um Qasar, comes from Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates.

    “Whatever happens, Iraq is Iraq,” says a Kuwaiti businessman, building hotels in the south. “Iraq will always remain the country with some of the world’s largest oil reserves and the Middle East’s biggest resources of water.”

    One hears similar comments from local and foreign businessmen investing in real estate in Najaf and Karbala. Over 200 million Shiite Muslims regard the cities as holy. Najaf and Karbala have always been dream destinations for pilgrims from as far away as Latin America and Australia. Under Saddam Hussein, however, few foreign pilgrims were allowed. With the despot gone, pilgrims are pouring in — and with them the fresh money that is transforming both holy cities.

    Some of the money brought in belongs to Iraqi expatriates who are returning home, albeit in smaller numbers compared to two years ago.

    That good business is possible in Iraq is reflected in the performance of the new companies, most of which did not exist three years ago. One privately owned mobile phone company is expected to report revenues of more than $500 million this year, a sevenfold increase in three years. Another private firm marketing soft drinks has seen profits double since the end of 2003. The number of luxury cars imported has risen from a few hundred in 2002 to more than 20,000 this year.

    But what about continued terrorist attacks? Most foreign investors coming to make money in Iraq shrug their shoulders.

    “Doing business in any Arab country is always risky,” says a Turkish investor who has set up a trucking company and a taxi service. “In some Arab countries, you risk nationalization or straight confiscation by the ruler. In other Arab countries, you must give a cut to one of the emirs. Here, you face possible terrorist attacks. But such attacks are transitory; they cannot go on forever, while the dangers you face in other Arab countries are permanent features of life.”

    The relatively low cost of labor is another attraction to investors. Wages in Iraq, where unemployment is estimated to be over 30 percent, are less than a quarter of the going rates in Kuwait. Nevertheless, the Iraqi boom appears to be attracting some Iranian laborers from areas close to border — men and women who come in for a few days to make some money before returning home.

    Although Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki’s government has slowed down the pace of privatization, as set by Paul Bremer, the American pro-consul, in 2004, the foundations of the command economy created by Saddam Hussein continue to crumble.

    The transition from a rentier economy in which virtually the whole of the population depended on government handouts to a free-market capitalist one entails much hardship for some segments of society.

    Many pensioners and some civil servants find it hard to make ends meet as prices rise across the board. The end of government subsidies on virtually everything — from bread and sugar to gasoline and water — is also causing hardship.

    But judging by the talk in teahouses and the debate in Iraq’s new and pluralist media, most people welcome the switch to capitalism and regard it as an exciting adventure.

    As trucks are loaded with a variety of imports destined for Baghdad, we ask the drivers what they think would happen if the multi-national force, led by the United States, left Iraq soon.

    Most shrug their shoulders, unable to make any prediction.

    One driver has something to say.

    “Why leave?” he asks. “Do I abandon the goods that have come from such a long way before they reach their destination?”

    Translated into practical politics, this amounts to a plea for “staying the course,” which means not allowing the terrorists to impose their agenda. But the man in Um Qasar does not know that in the United States the phrase “staying the course” drives the cut-and-run party up the wall.

    The Mini Economic Boom in Iraq That Is Hardly Reported
    Last edited by RockyBB; 19-02-2007 at 06:05 PM.

  4. #624
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    Iran Denies Sadr Is in the Country

    TEHRAN, 19 February 2007 — Iran’s Foreign Ministry denied yesterday that Shiite cleric Moqtada Sadr was in Iran, calling statements by US and Iraqi officials saying he had traveled to Iran “psychological warfare.”

    “No, he is not in Iran,” Mohammad Ali Hoseini, spokesman for the ministry told journalists at a regular press briefing in a response to a query about Sadr. (LIAR,LIAR)

    “Basically, the report is baseless and a kind of psychological warfare against Iran by the US to put more pressure on Iran,” Hoseini said in the first Iranian comment on US and Iraqi statements last week.

    An adviser to Iraq’s prime minister said last Thursday that Sadr was in Iran, but denied that the cleric had fled there due to fear of arrest during a security crackdown. A member of Sadr’s bloc in Parliament said the cleric had left Iraq three weeks earlier.

    The White House said yesterday the US government did not know whether Sadr was in Iran. “It is unclear,” White House Press Secretary Tony Snow said on CNN. “He may be in Iran. It is pretty clear he is not holding press conferences and making his whereabouts known.”

    US and Iraqi forces have increased pressure on backers of the anti-American cleric and other militants in a major security operation that began last week.

    In another development, Iraq started to reopen its borders with Iran and Syria yesterday as the US military said a joint operation with Iraqi forces has begun to stifle the vicious sectarian conflict in Baghdad. Trucks and cars began to flow over the Shalamchen border crossing between Iran and southern Iraq, three days after the premier ordered the frontiers sealed as part of the country’s latest security plan.

    “We received orders today from Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki to open the border posts from 6 a.m. this morning,” Gen. Rahdi Mohassen of the Iraqi border force told reporters at border post.

    A senior security official in Baghdad confirmed that two main routes into Syria and four into Iran had reopened.

    Then where is he? Doesn't a rat always return to his hole?

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  6. #625
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    could someone please help me, my thinking cap is screwed on but not lit. I bought my dinar before finding this site and it seems the site I originally bought them from is dropping in price per million rather than going up. Would I be correct in thinking that it is due to supply and demand? Would be happy to hear any thoughts on this.

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  8. #626
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    Quote Originally Posted by buddyboy View Post
    could someone please help me, my thinking cap is screwed on but not lit. I bought my dinar before finding this site and it seems the site I originally bought them from is dropping in price per million rather than going up. Would I be correct in thinking that it is due to supply and demand? Would be happy to hear any thoughts on this.
    It depends on what price you bought it for to begin with. If you bought for $1,000/million ( just an example) , then you got kinda screwed right from the beginning ( still good when revals). Meanwhile, the competition is higher between the dinar dealers now, plus the banks are selling dinar too...So a dealer would have to go with the market. If the guy was higher before, now he would have to be at the others' level, meaning his price goes down...

    He needs money for some other investment, business opp, whatever...

    Or he is goofy.

    Hope it helps.
    Last edited by Jola; 19-02-2007 at 06:11 PM. Reason: :)) couldn't help it
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  10. #627
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    Center to support families belonging to the home areas, and 250 of P dinars for each family
    The High Commission to deal with the phenomenon of forced displacement headed by Sultan Abdul Samad Rahman, Minister of Immigration and grief wages today, Monday, the Center to support families pw Adh to their home areas and the amount of payment (250) thousand dinars told each returning family. This came in a statement by the Ministry of Migration and Displacement issued a day received news agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent a copy of it.
    This comes to coincide with the implementation of the security of Baghdad and the start of Kath seen from the families to return to the home areas and need a me assistance and the difficulties ahead.
    The Committee also approved the issuance of a special form of the inventory of property displaced families, which will be distributed through branches of the Ministry in Baghdad and other governorates.
    On the other hand, the statement said that the Committee had appealed to the UNHCR Elsa Mia for Refugees of the United Nations invited he urged neighboring countries to the importance of dealing in a more normal when there with the Iraqis and the importance of providing d international uncle to these countries commensurate with her and submit it to a for Iraqi citizens, It also appealed to those countries continue to shoulder this A'd How big of Iraqis while stabilize the mother Nee and their return to their country in honor dear.
    Last edited by $onedaysoon$; 19-02-2007 at 06:18 PM.
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

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  12. #628
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    Voices of Iraq : Arbil-Vice-session
    Monday, February 19, 2007-5:49 PM BT

    The session in Arbil to members of the House
    More than twenty members of the various political blocs P j Council of the Iraqi parliament today, Monday, in a session on the needs strategy, security and economic T. will go for four days organized by the Center projects Aldo Why cooperation with a number of other organizations.
    He said Saeb al-Kilani expert in the government you Troneh, who gave a lecture in the session to address only Khtlav opinion, "the course focuses on the issue of negotiating Wa the dialogue and focus on common interests among the opponents, As also focus on that this language is a master languages The superior to the language of force. "
    The Kilani News Agency (Voices of Iraq) painless delayed that this session was aimed at "building bridges Altka employer between members of the House of Representatives. "
    is noteworthy that this session will be held in collaboration between the Center for the projects International and the American Society of consequence the response of the training program and economic security.
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

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  14. #629
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    Iraq wants to open the doors of economic relations with Egypt

    The Iraqi Trade Minister expressed his country's desire to develop high Kate economic relations with Egypt and opened doors in a very large a for businessmen and Egyptian companies Astthma R. Iraq through a new law on Balastthm TR and approved by the government of Iraq and approved by Parliament Iraqi. The minister added that Iraq needs the news e Egyptian in the field of investment and the economy being cut T. advanced in this area and the priorities of the Iraqi government e summarized in solving the problems of housing and other problems related Balb Nee infrastructure of the Iraqi economy, in addition to the support and Cji p private sector, He added that the invitation is open to all businessmen disclosed n to invest in Iraq, whether privately or burden t formation of economic blocs. The Iraqi minister pointed out that Iraq has the potential He has enormous economic important sources of energy and become pain Talub to cooperate businessmen and companies with Bshvavi e clear, a new interacts with the data work in the Ar pw new, allude to the possession of his ministry for many competitions related contracts to supply the components of the ration card which Ka n Egyptian companies to attend during the previous stages e.
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  15. #630
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    Third Iraqi families in deprived areas and the South Yeh more suffering

    Published yesterday in Amman study of three parts entitled "stadium fix deprivation and living standards in Iraq "and that Ba the cooperation between the Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation pw sublime, the representative of the Central System of Statistics and brightest technology for Umat. The United Nations Development Program - The Office of the Iraq Program, and the support of the development information for the Arab States Walt restrict the United Nations Development Program.
    The analytical study of the results of the national Lalla approximately living for families in 2004, issued by the Central Agency for Statistics and technology information and the United Nations Development Program and the Norwegian Institute for Applied Social Science (Pfaff f), the analytical report and atlas. The files statistically. Got "life" on the summary. The methodology Walt j followed this study (1) adopt an expanded definition of prevarication adding as multidimensional, belongs to the concept of human poverty, (2) the adoption of a measure of the living standards of different hints Ka realistic in Iraq from the lowest level to the highest level j, As can be identified by the results of the investigation my pain Danny and the questionnaire approved it. The measure through the building manual called Guide conditions sparkle the near, (3) the definition of deprivation parallel what can be considered Alafqa R. sense of human poverty as a manifestation of the shortage P j "to satisfy the basic needs" of the "satisfying the threshold "The boundary between the cases of deprivation and levels of other living. The study estimates that the proportion of families realize u 2004 in a state of denial, according to evidence conditions brilliance Xue, about 31% of households and nearly 34% of a for individuals. These are the families and individuals who live in the level of M Eisha low, as evidence of living conditions. Out of this percentage, the five% of the families six% of the Alavra d living in the standard of living is very low. the adoption of branches families met to three levels are low standard of living (and is a disadvantaged families), medium and high, notes there is a gap between rates of disadvantaged families, according to the pain Jaden different. .This means that the lack of disparity infrastructure and the services related to the situation by the economy j of the family the most important dimensions of deprivation that pw I am from Iraqi families. It must therefore be given priority in the policies and programs development, through the provision of infrastructure services and to expand its coverage and ensure its stability. , as well as through the fight against poverty and raising the level of entry in and came the year. The study showed that the Baghdad area is the least campus I am in terms of living standards in general (20.3% in a for a hundred of disadvantaged families), followed by the northern region (2 3.9%), Central region (30.5%) wa good in the southern region (42.9%). that increase alone and the average proportion of deprivation Hello national, while the proportion of deprivation in the central region the least. Weech all the economic situation of families a priority, It is ranked first or second in terms of manual conditions living in all areas. But other fields vary between the relevance and again. In the north, there is a priority for the field of education. In the central region, priority to the field of infrastructure, followed by education. In the Baghdad area also priority to the field of infrastructure Walt Hater followed by the field around the home (especially dimension mother Nee). In the southern region, priority is also in the field of infrastructure, followed by Meda n the area around the house (especially the status of the environment and transportation). and similar regions of the center of Baghdad and in terms of track, they were the indicators of development in these regions Alaal j during the 1970s thanks to focus growth and development through P seen stability of the system. The situation is relatively retreat during the 1980s and Altsaina T. because of the Iraqi-Iranian war, then the Gulf War and the international embargo. However, the suffering which were relatively lower than in us Hink South, which was most affected by the war with Iran during the 1980s and siege. After 2003, the territory of the center of Baghdad, which are collaborative n more than other areas of insecurity and violence m a negatively affect the living conditions and economic development. However, this situation has not abrogated the effects of the new Sap Ka, This means that the standards of living which is still better than a for other regions, except fields strong link security situation . In the southern region, the development indicators during the 1970s minimum Walus i and Baghdad. However, their degradation in the form of severe during periods of war Iraqi-Iranian embargo and make them more responsible s disadvantaged. The unstable situation after the collapse of the 2 003 unlike the situation in the north. It appears from father head to rural northern region is the most disadvantaged b Yen areas according to the evidence standard of living, while that attended this region is the second least deprived areas Na, what makes the disparity between rural and urban areas in the region sniffer the highest among the regions. In the central region, Register attended this region has the lowest proportion among the deprived areas, in its countryside when he comes third in terms of the proportion of free Man after the rural north and the south. As a result of that level also attended the disparity between the important region Central and its countryside. show the Baghdad area less areas will begin Ina between urban and rural areas in relation to the level of evidence living. In fact, given the lowest level Countryside Baghdad denied n regions within Iraq for the housing situation, but Qatsadi of the family. Because of the low level of deprivation in the region said e mostly to a host of factors linked to its location on the extent costing Baghdad. Among the most important of these factors increase the income of some of these families the area, At the forefront of families who own orchards and Sam Tall trees and ornamental plants, housing and some high-income families working in the debtor e Baghdad and the region benefit from the services of more than a j rural area again, and even more than some urban areas, Given the proximity of the city of Baghdad and the fact that the bulk such an extension of the city mentioned, while indicators retreated city of Baghdad because of the expansion Ko Beer revival of the random lack of services, and also because of the security situation after 2003, which Ed T. to sabotage the buildings and facilities and occupation and the deterioration of a for public utilities. The region south of the degree high deprivation, whether for university or its countryside. .Rates of deprivation in the southern region the highest attended n outrage among regions, while rural southern region comes immediately after the Countryside k Rdstan in the level of deprivation. A fresh approach
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

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