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  1. #751
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    [QUOTE=shotgunsusie;134192]i knew you had no link its called sarcasm. im merely applying common sense to the events im posting articles about. i am sorry that your common sense doesnt align the same as mine.

    if they hand the payments today they will have to revalue before they do so is all im saying. they said they would hand the payments out today and so do you. and why postdate cheques that are being passed out in a bank???

    i have no mercy for the iraqi govt if they dont revalue before they give those people that paultry amount when those people are intelligent enough to know their country belongs to them all and its worth a massive amount of wealth. like someone said before, the green zone will not be protected enough, lol.

    Susie or anyone else have a link where it states handouts will be post dated?

  2. #752
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caviar Dreams View Post
    What do you know, no RV again! Well maybe there will be something else to start speculating about next Thursday that will cause everyone to think we will have an RV on Sunday again.

    Listen slick, we're all aware that our antisipation of the inevitable revalue keeps being dashed each time we find a new sound reason to exspect it to occur by a specific date. I myself have post as much weeks ago. We are not stupid as your cynical post implies. I think I can speak for most of us here when I say that I'm simply convienced that a revalue of the new Iraqi dinar will happen sooner or later and that I for one am certainly hoping for sooner and therefore I keep searching for reasons to support my hopes. No one here knows when the revalue will happen or if it will in fact absolutely, positively for a certainty ever really happen but we do have many sound logical reasons to believe that it could and most certainly that it should. Why else would we have invested in this opportunity in the first place as I assume you have as well? Indeed, why else would you be reading in this forum if you have not purchased some of the new Iraqi dinars also?

    So, which is it? Are you in here simply to poke fun at our well founded hopes or have you just given up hoping in your investment and would like us to join you as misery loves company. Either way, it's a waste of your's and our time.

    Oh! and to answer your question, yes, I'm sure if the R/V does not happen today or tomorrow we will hopfully find some new reasonable and logical reason to place our exspectation on some other possible date, lest we become like you and give up all hope and if that were to happen to me, I'm sure I'd stop wasting my time reading this forum and I certainly would not come here in an attempt to distroy any hope others my still have you evil so and so!

    Sorry, I couldn't resist that at the end. I don't know if you're an evil so and so or not but that last post you made makes you seem a little bit like one but I'm sure you're just frustrated as many of us are and that is understandable but as long as there is sound reason to expect this R/V to happen then, don't give up hoping, it will happen when it happens. Until then we are enjoying ourselves as we anticipate it and contiue to look for news that points to it happening very soon.

  3. #753
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    What is the old saying? Something like, good things come to those who wait.
    Whatever we say or do will not make them r/v the dinar any quicker.
    Remember we are not dealing with people who think like we do. So let's keep our chins up and not let our excitement and impatience get the best of us.
    The people on Rolclub are doing their best to research and give us info that
    helps us understand the situation and progress being made in Iraq.

    Best of luck and God Bless to all,


  4. #754
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigred52 View Post
    why is it if someone posts pro democrats--anti republican remark THATS OKAY
    But when a conservative posts a logical response. THIS ISN"T THE PLACE
    Islamic homicidal manics will increase the attacks knowing the dems are looking for a reason to pull out. r/v if in the short term will be okay: but
    long term stability does not look good. The only hope the civilized world has
    is to convince the peaceful muslims : the ones that out of fear or ignorance allow or condone the actions of homicidal manics that it is better to celebrate
    life than to slaughter innocence victims. AS I SAID BEFORE it is hypocritical
    to condemn Bush and the war while you are on the verge on becoming rich.
    Check a little further in the archives. I've been castigated but good for stating anti-Bush opinions. We've hashed it out left and right and probably will never agree, but the American people have made a statement and I'll leave it at that. One doesn't have to approve of Bush and his henchmen to support and pray for the young men and women of this country who are doing their best in a dire situation. Bless them all again and again.

  5. #755
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    Why is everybody down this morning...??? Chin up the foreign exchange opens this afternoon, we found the phrase 200 FILS in an article published yesterday. So what if there was another auction this morning...the exchange isn't open yet. The 13th is tomorrow....The Gazette hopefully will be published today according to the article stating reference to the 11/12/06 issue of the Gazette.....


  6. #756
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    I love the excitement of tuning into the rolclub. I check before I go to work and the minute I get home. I enjoy reading the POSTS. You guys have become experts in your research and I just want to say THANKS for your deligence. Some of us are not so computer savvy. I am computer challenged. But I am getting better...Thanks to you guys. I am going down to the Ozarks for a couple of days and I am not taking my labtop. Not obsessed; but observing. YOU ALL ARE THE GREATEST.

  7. #757
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    Default You ruin the forum!

    Quote Originally Posted by Caviar Dreams View Post
    What do you know, no RV again! Well maybe there will be something else to start speculating about next Thursday that will cause everyone to think we will have an RV on Sunday again.
    Posters like this ruin the good feelings on the forums they post at. They contribute nothing positive. These kind of people love to see other people fail in life. Never a positive word, just the hope that someone will crash and burn or have their dreams crushed. It's best to use the ignore button on this guy. Our RV will happen soon, I promise*!

    * Promise meaning I don't have anything concrete , just the info at hand posted here. LOL

  8. #758
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    This is starting to feel like the movie Groundhog Day.
    I agree with you Adster, the politicians will do this RV when they want to. It does seem that they are running out of time. How long are the supporting countries going to hold them above water? Until they get THEIR share of the wealth? It is all a big game of big government, let us hope that we can get our little share as well. Good day.

  9. #759
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    Quote Originally Posted by dogeatdog View Post
    This may be one of the best responses I've seen yet to a naysayer. Well put.
    Folks, this is a SPECULATIVE INVESTMENT......PERIOD! I believe it will happen soon as well, and as Rodney so eloquently states, there are facts that have been published or otherwise proven which lead us to believe that way. But speculation in and of itself is founded on theory and risk (that's not just me that says does Merriam-Webster). So all those who continue to pick on the theories (aka "rumors") that are proposed for certain dates, etc., please STOP because that's all we can do until after the RV becomes a fact......
    So in other words, please be nice.......or go jump in a lake!
    Why do you automatically think this response was to a naysayer??

    Is everyone who doesn't think exactly like a you (for example) a naysayer?

    Anyhow, this is a news thread. There is a speculation thread for all those who want throw in their rumors. Also, there is/was a "go crazy in here" thread...

    Why can't this just be a news thread without all the hype?
    A teacher was giving a lesson on the circulation of the blood. Trying to make the matter clearer, she said, "Now, class, if I stood on my head, the blood, as you know, would run into it, and I would turn red in the face... then why is it that while I am standing upright in the ordinary position the blood doesn't run into my feet?"
    A little fellow shouted, "Cause your feet ain't empty."

  10. #760
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    I agree with this.

    As do I ..............but what do i know
    Last edited by H2O_Lover; 12-11-2006 at 05:12 PM.
    Oh the drama....

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