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Thread: Archive News - Iraqi Dinar Think Tank - 24/01/201 - 23/07/2011

  1. #571
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    Iraq beyond 2011: Prosperity or Turmoil?

    The recent upsurge in violence across Iraq ( sticky bombs, car bombs, roadside bombs, targeted assassinations, suicide bombers, prison breaks, etc…) underscores, irrefutably, the ubiquitous vulnerabilities of Iraq’s national security forces, as result of a host of daunting and intricate factors: politicized security apparatus, lingering ethno-sectarian loyalties, political sectarianism, and the region’s geopolitical tensions, namely, Saudi Arabia and Iran’s regional ambitions.

    In the absence of a US-Iraq postwar strategic partnership, the impending complete withdrawal of the U.S. combat troops from Iraq by the end of 2011 and the protracted political horse-trading over the security posts (defense, interior, and national security) will, ultimately, undermine Iraqi Security Forces’ operational capabilities (air sovereignty and border security, for instance) and, subsequently, jeopardizing Iraq’s national security. Moreover, given the high levels of interoperability of the two militaries, the foreseeable security vacuum could be a serious threat to Iraq’s national security, namely:
    • Reemergence of the quasi-defeated extremist groups, namely, AQI, Jaysh al-Islami, the Promised Day Brigade, Kata’ib Hizbollah, and Asaeb Ahl al-Haq.
    • Rekindling of sectarian violence and lawlessness that engulfed Iraq before (05-07).
    • Precipitating the war between Baghdad and Erbil over the disputed oil-rich Kirkuk.
    • Disruption of Iraq’s oil production and supply and, subsequently, Iraq’s petrodollars.
    • Invigorating Iran’s centuries-old expansionist and religious ambitions in Iraq – turning Iraq into a satellite Shiite theocracy.
    Moreover, the cumulative effects of the ruling class’ ineptitude and schism are protracting decades of erroneous policies and, subsequently, the people’s tribulations. Thus, impelling the majority of the Iraqi people to distrust the legitimacy of their government and the effectiveness of its institutions as evidenced by the latest protests, which accentuated the Iraqi people frustration with their elected officials’ ineptitude and their epic failure to curb corruption and end ethno-sectarian quota-sharing system.

    The deep-seated political sectarianism and its inherent symptoms, namely, impoverished and disenfranchised population, lack of basic services, higher unemployment, severely languished infrastructure, ineffectual institutions, and rampant corruption are most likely to linger for years to come if the political class continue to pursue self-serving and sectarian-based agendas and political marginalization.

    Thus, given the aforementioned challenges, the ruling class (executive and legislative branches) ought to outline clearly its postwar policy objectives and priorities, in accordance with the country’s laws and strategic interests, and heed to the aspirations of its people, regardless of their political and religious believes.

    Drawing on past experiences (Eastern European Countries, for instance), Iraqi government ought to devise a comprehensive strategy encompassing socio-economic development, a genuine national reconciliation, and a modern security architecture as an imperative prerequisite for attaining political stability and, subsequently, building a modern and prosperous Iraq.

    Conversely, in the absence of a strategic foresight and a strong leadership capable of implementing the aforementioned strategy, Iraq may revert to its darkest years of lawlessness, religious extremism, ethno-sectarian strife, political instability, and foreign interventions. Simply put, Lebanization of Iraq’s nascent democracy.

    The author, Tariq Abdell, is an Iraq’s political risk analyst, and Founder & CEO of Mesopotamia Insight

  2. #572
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    Dozens Of Countries Flock To Iraq

    Just this week, we have seen a United Arab Emirates firm invest in a new Iraqi oil refinery, a German company discussing investing in Basram, and a Korean company building 25 power stations.

    On top of that, there have been Iranian gas deals amd Saudi Arabian interest in Iraqi telecoms, plus both British and Turkish firms have been mentioned in the topic of new investment in Iraq.

    It is not surprising, then, that the Iraqi Department of Trade is expecting even bigger things for the next Baghdad International Fair.

    30 countries and 1,500 companies are expected to attend from around the world, the Ministry for Trade said. Learning its lessons from last year, the preparations for this year are to begin earlier.

  3. #573
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    Parliament patronizes economic conference

    The Iraqi Parliament patronized today the Conference on the Economic Future of Iraq, in cooperation with the United Nations and the International Bank. The 3-day conference aims at enhancing the Iraqi economic situation and provision better chances for development.

    Parliament Speaker Usama Nujaifi said that "Iraq has turned to the world's garbage dump through bad commodities that were imported, a matter would have not existed were it not for legislative shortcomings."

    He added that new legislations will be made to rectify the situation.

    Nujaifi called for re-activating factories and provide their protection, in order to make the Iraqis a productive force rather than a consumptive one.

    UN envoy Ed Melkert stressed the importance of economic and political reforms, pointing to UN support to future stages in Iraq. He designated five goals that will put Iraq at the center of progress. These include decreasing unemployment among the youths, consolidating democratic rule through free formation of societies and associations and social justice via just distribution of wealth, where the workers will have their share.

    The regional director of the International Bank in Iraq, Heidi Larbi, pointed to the importance of activating the infrastructure and liquidate institutional obstacles. He added that Iraq needs 500,000 work opportunities each year, calling to enhance the private sector.

    "The inflation of the public sector, increase in salaries, lack of legislations and non-partnership between the public and private sectors, all negatively affect the development of the private sector," he added.

    The first day's topics concentrated on reviewing the latest results of International Bank report on the activities and work in Iraq, as well as discussing labor and social security law and the future proposed law. Many ideas and view points were put down to combat obstacles facing economic development in Iraq, as well as those related to obstacles facing the implementation of economic projects.

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  5. #574
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    CBI completed the legal procedures to protect his money from Washington

    The Central Bank of Iraq that Iraq has completed all legal procedures and bank intervention to protect Iraqi funds in the White House until next June. Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki had said earlier that Iraqi money is still in danger unless accelerate legal requirements to protect the White House to the Iraqi funds.

    The central bank adviser said the appearance of Mohammed Saleh told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) that "Iraq completed all legal procedures and cash to become the Iraqi money to protect the White House until next June for fear of manipulation of trade creditors counterfeiters."

    He added that "protect the White House about the risk of manipulation of the Iraqi money for a year by the creditors and businesses that claim to have financial problems with the former regime."

    He said, "The Committee to Protect Iraqi funds will be discussed during this year of ways to get rid of the pursuit of trade creditors and provide bank accounts for the proceeds of Iraqi oil."

    He said the Iraqi Central Bank's decision to the President of the United States President Mtthmlh Obaba money on the protection of Iraqi oil revenues and a private bank depositor federal block trade creditors.

    On 6 March the Iraqi Central Bank confirmed that Iraq follow the high political level in the economic pay the debt it has not faced legal problems. It was announced on 23 February, the Central Bank of Iraq that Iraq's debt paid 3 thousand and five hundred creditor commercial value of $ 2.7 billion as a way to protect his money from the manipulation of foreign trading companies. It is hoped that Iraq shall submit to the UN Security Council a detailed report looking at the next May when the most important pillars of the protection of Iraqi funds.

    Revealed the Iraqi Finance Ministry on the seventh of January last, the work of the Committee to Protect Iraqi funds abroad will be secret to avoid the front companies that claim to require Iraq money.

    The Ministry of Finance of Iraq, the first of last January that the government commission art Ttolt the development of mechanisms to protect Iraqi funds in foreign banks after the UN Security Council resolution mid-November last, who spent lifting of protection for Iraqi funds the end of June next.

    The UN Security Council voted unanimously in mid-January last three decisions concerning the lifting of the embargo imposed on Iraq on the import of nuclear material for peaceful purposes, and cancel the oil for food program, and extended immunity for for the last phase compensation imposed under Chapter VII until the end of June / June.

    The former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein ordered the invasion of Kuwait in 1990. The impact of sanctions imposed on Iraq from the international community and put under Chapter VII, which makes him the country threatening world peace and security. Included international sanctions prevented the import of chemicals and nuclear technology that could be used in the programs of secret nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. Has allowed the United Nations in 1995 for Iraq to sell oil in return for food, called the program "oil-for-lunch."

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  7. #575
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    Iraq’s Missing $6.6bn – Theft Not Ruled Out

    The Los Angeles Times reports that theft has not been ruled out by auditors trying to trace $6.6 billion [7.9 trillion Iraqi dinars] of missing cash.

    A total of $12 billion in shrink-wrapped bricks of $100 bills was flown to Iraq in 2003 and 2004 to pay for public services, contractors, and general reconstruction. More than half of that cash in unaccounted for.

    Now for the first time, federal auditors are suggesting that some or all of the cash may have been stolen, not just mislaid in an accounting error. Stuart Bowen, special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction, an office created by Congress, said the missing $6.6 billion may be “the largest theft of funds in national history.”

    The money came from Iraqi oil sales, seized Iraqi assets and surplus funds from the United Nations’ oil-for-food program.

    Iraqi officials argue that the U.S. government was supposed to safeguard the stash under a 2004 legal agreement it signed with Iraq. That makes Washington responsible, they say.

    Abdul Basit Turki Saeed, Iraq’s chief auditor and president of the Iraqi Board of Supreme Audit, has warned U.S. officials that his government will go to court if necessary to recoup the missing money.

    “Clearly Iraq has an interest in looking after its assets and protecting them,” said Samir Sumaidaie, Iraq’s ambassador to the United States.

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  9. #576
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    Othman is absent from the meetings of the heads of blocs lack of interest by the Parliament and call a special session

    Called the Kurdistan Alliance, Wednesday, Iraqi Council of Representatives to convene a special session to discuss the presence and absence of heads of political blocs from the meetings of the Council, and is regarded as absence from the meeting "a lack of interest" of parliament, he stressed the need to apply the rules of procedure of Parliament, without discrimination or bias or politicization.

    The leader of the Alliance Mahmoud Othman said in an interview for "Alsumaria News", "the presence of members of the Iraqi Council of Representatives of the meetings of the Council varying between the obligor to attend and who do not attend only a little," and urged "the application of the rules of procedure to compensate the person who is not able to attend to other list itself ".

    Osman stressed the need to "implement procedures for the rules of procedure of Parliament, without discrimination or bias or politicization towards those who breach the system regularly," stressing "the importance of the presence of the bloc of parliamentary sessions in order to lead a campaign in the mass meeting."

    He called for an independent Kurdish leader of the Iraqi Parliament to "discuss the topic of the meeting and to decide the eligibility of the heads of the blocks in the presence or absence," adding at the same time that "the absence of the heads of blocs to attend parliament sessions is the lack of interest in parliament," he said.

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  11. #577
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    Commission on Security and Defense: We support a U.S. withdrawal on schedule

    Announced the Security and Defense Committee in the House support for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from the country end of this year. The President of the Hassan Sinead, he was "of supporters for the application of the terms of the security agreement signed with the American side, in accordance with agreed schedules."

    Sinead said in a statement the "morning" that "the readiness of Iraqi security forces are subject to performance evaluation and the extent of their need for logistical support and their ability to hold the security file," stressing that "blocks all with the application of the terms of the security agreement and the withdrawal in accordance with the tables set out."

    "Al Sabah" last Monday, the U.S. ambassador to Iraq, James Jeffrey, held, held talks in the House on a withdrawal.

    And see the delegate »morning» at the Conference Palace U.S. Ambassador wandering in the corridors of Parliament and headquarters of the parliamentary committees several, where sources said a representative informed: The «Jeffrey urged several deputies did not disclose their names, to vote or support the extension of U.S. troops in Iraq after the end of the year ».

    Jeffrey moves and re-echoes his predecessor, Ryan Crocker, roaming in the parliament of 2008 to persuade Parliament to vote in favor of the security agreement which set tables withdrawal, but a roaming ambassador to the U.S. this time seeking to extend, not to withdraw.

    For its part, said the Iraqi List MP Maysoon al that the opinion of its list in the question of extending the stay of U.S. troops in Iraq or the withdrawal is subject to evaluate the commander of the armed forces to detect the readiness of Iraqi security forces and their capabilities and their ability to hold the security file.

    She Damluji "morning": "We asked the Prime Minister to disclose the potential of our troops and their readiness did not receive your reply until now .. and we renew our call to clarify this issue and how to train and rehabilitate the security forces according to the timetables and after the submission of the position shows the performance evaluation will be for the Iraqi decision in accordance with the interests of the people."

    And Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki for the continuation of the plan to build the Iraqi army in 2020, asserting that Iraqi forces have sufficient capacity for the maintenance of internal security, stating in a speech in the meeting of the Cabinet's public broadcast yesterday evening: "The security issue is concentrated among the internal security and sovereignty, and that these two tasks are different, you need to Protecting Iraq's weapons and the distribution of the military's ability to control the borders, water and atmosphere .. and we are pleased with these trends to protect the export of oil and water."

    He revealed the prime minister late last month his intention to invite the political blocs to hold a meeting soon to decide on the survival or the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, despite his emphasis on not feeling worried after the withdrawal of these forces, while the announced political blocs agreed to meet Maliki's call for a meeting in the days coming to discuss the issue of the withdrawal or extension of U.S. troops to stay in the country, according to the statements of representatives of these blocks, the "morning." center of the picture.

    In turn, said Abdul Hassan Abtan National Alliance MP: "The Iraqi government will not be able to discuss the issue of withdrawal or extension of U.S. troops alone, especially that there are signals from the American side a few days ago and the emergence of the statements clear we heard that Iraq will be a request to the United States to keep this forces."

    It is said that the government spokesman and Minister of State Ali al-Dabbagh said in a statement quoted by Reuters news agency two days before: that a meeting chaired by President Jalal Talabani, had held this week to discuss the U.S. military presence among other issues, while expected to Leon Panetta, a candidate for the post of Secretary of Defense Iraq to ask Washington to «on the post» keep some troops after the deadline for withdrawal at end of 2011, but a source close to the government confirmed for »morning», that this issue requires a decision by all the political blocs.

    He Abtan: "The fact that most of the political blocs with the survival of U.S. forces, but the positions of these unannounced to link their interests with the American side, he says, and therefore would not be able to reject the extension, and this position is declared. So we will see in the coming days that the question of extension of the topics that will provoke controversy in political circles and has repercussions."

    Under the security agreement signed between Baghdad and Washington on the end of November of 2008 that it should withdraw all U.S. forces from all territories and waters and airspace of Iraq no later than December 31 of this year. The United States combat forces pulled out under the Convention of the Cities and villages and towns of Iraq on 30 June 2009. It is said that the Islamic Dawa Party urged the government and the Parliament not to extend the stay of U.S. forces in Iraq.

    He said the party, who heads the General Secretariat of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said in a statement to his political: "The position fixed withdrawal of all U.S. forces in all lands and waters and airspace of Iraq as scheduled end of the year, for the readiness of security forces and the armed forces to defend Iraq's sovereignty, security and territorial integrity ".

    The statement continued: "We call on our Holy and political forces to unite in the framework of national unity to achieve our noble cause in Iraq to get its independence and sovereignty," calling "the government to apply all the terms of the U.S. withdrawal from Iraq and the establishment of balanced relations and equal between the two countries in scientific, economic and cultural and others. "

    He added the statement that "the Islamic Dawa Party since the day he stepped onto the foreign forces, the land of Iraq, pure, working with all his efforts with the forces of good and at different levels to bring these forces and signed an agreement to withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq to full sovereignty to the Iraqi state." Said White House spokesman Jay Carney told a news conference last week that American officials are committed to the agreement with Iraq on the withdrawal of the remaining U.S. troops by the end of this year. He said Carney said U.S. officials listened to the request from the Iraqi government to reach a new agreement, "but as from now we intend to fulfill our commitment under the Status of Forces Agreement, which calls for withdrawing all our troops remaining. "

    He also said that Washington pulled a hundred thousand U.S. troops from Iraq, according to the Status of Forces Agreement, there will be no U.S. troops by the end of the year.

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  13. #578
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    Parliamentary committee confirms the failure of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iraq in the demarcation of the oil fields

    The parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee that the Iraqi Foreign Ministry has failed to convince the countries which share borders with Iraq, the demarcation of the oil fields.

    A member of the Sami al-Askari told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) that "the State Department failed to persuade neighboring countries with Iraq in the oil fields, such as Kuwait and Iran to speed up the demarcation of the border."

    He added that "the performance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in this file is not convincing and did not meet the aspirations of Iraq to maintain its interests and its oil wealth from its oil leaking to other countries under the pretext of joint oil fields."

    He continued that "the parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee will be prompted to host Zebari on Thursday and paper work to end this issue and decryption interdependence between Iraq and other countries concerning the delimitation of administrative boundaries and borders in general specifically oil and accuracy."

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    Foreign inform the Security Council arrangements after the Development Fund for Iraq include compensation funds

    Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari said the government has taken the necessary arrangements to move to the mechanism after the Development Fund for Iraq, which expires auspices of the United Nations it this month at a time completed the Foreign Relations Committee, the parliamentary report on the problems of the port of Mubarak, who intends to Kuwaiti government built in the Persian Gulf will be displayed in the session to host the foreign ministers of transport on Thursday.

    Zebari told the Security Council in a letter circulated yesterday that Baghdad has made all necessary arrangements, which include the allocation of five percent of oil revenues to the Compensation Fund.

    Zebari speech and the right who was sent to Gabon, which holds the council presidency this month, a report containing the actions and decisions taken by Baghdad to the full and effective transmission mechanism after the Development Fund for Iraq, which would allow Iraq to meet its obligations under Security Council resolutions relevant.

    The Security Council decided last December in its resolution No. 1956 suspending the arrangements for depositing of proceeds from sales of oil and natural gas, the Iraqi Development Fund for Iraq and called on Baghdad to complete the full transition and effective mechanism after the Fund, including the arrangements for the observers to finance external and continue to pay the rate of five percent of the victims of the invasion Iraq of Kuwait in 1990.

    Zebari said that an alternative to the expense of the Development Fund for Iraq, it will open a new account on behalf of the Government of Iraq to the management of the Iraqi Central Bank with the Federal Reserve Board (Fed) to accept the transfer of all assets owned by the Development Fund for Iraq is in addition to any other assets belonging to the Iraqi government.

    He added that the new mechanism will also ensure that Iraq will be able to continue to meet its obligations in accordance with the resolutions of the United Nations.

    He noted that other arrangements be resolved include the Iraqi Committee of Financial Experts replace the International Advisory and Monitoring from the beginning of next month. He said that Iraq will continue to be in serious attempts to settle its foreign debt, according to the Paris Club agreement signed in November 2004.

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  17. #580
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    Kuwait to Open Consulates in Erbil and Basra

    Kuwait will open consulates in Erbil and Basra in the next few days in an effort to increase the country’s investment in the regions, the Kuwaiti Embassy in Baghdad said today.

    Kuwait’s ambassador to Iraq Ali al-Muamman said: “Kuwait is working to expand diplomatic and economic relations with Iraq by opening consulates in various Iraqi provinces.”

    Relations between Iraq and Kuwait have improved in recent years, but remain strained as a result of disagreements over the effects of the 1990 Gulf war. There are disputes over the need for the Iraqi government to pay compensation, the positioning of the border and contested oil fields

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