I did spend 10 minutes of my life to see this. I learned that building a business in telecomunications industry or products, internet included is very unstable because the competition is great and the prices are changing daily. One may build a solid business in a year or 2 but then suddenly all of it can fall apart like a sand castle.

Especially hosting services are something very sensitive. I have my hosting provider with superservers, Internet connections, 99,9% uptime, 24 hour support, 800 MB disk space, 250 e-mail addresses, numerous scripts and control options for less than 10 bucks a month. Domain name registration is very cheap. Today after many years online, I would be very cautious whne picking my hosting service partner.

I am also running a mlm business, but I picked it very very cautiously, regarding the product with no real competition, solid company and business growing potential. Anyway, I wish you luck with your business.