I am not the admin of the program.


Numerous questions have been asked since I started this team build, most common ones are

Why should I join LottoMagic?
In Lotto magic every week you get a chance to play in lotteries and the no. of tickets you can play depends on the no. of downlines you have in your matrix. Also you stand to get decent monthly income even if you don’t win a single lottery

Is it legal?
Yes. States with lotteries recognize lottery clubs and pool playing. Lotto Magic does not sell lottery tickets. Only retailers who have been contracted by the Florida Lottery Commission are authorized to sell tickets. Lotto Magic promotes lottery club play with our computerized system to enhance our club member�s chances of winning. If there are no lotteries in your state, this may be your only way to play the lottery.How can I earn from Lotto Magic

How do I earn from Lotto Magic?
There are two ways of earning from LottoMagic,
first is if you win the lottery, there is no guarantee that you will win,.
2nd is from monthly matrix income from 1st to 5th level

How long Lotto Magic is Paying?
Lotto Magic is paying since 1996

What if I join and can’t refer?
We have a team build in place, and we try to give every one four so that they in due course of time have their 5 levels filled and get decent monthly matrix income

How long should I have to pay $50 every month without earning a penny?
Well once you join lottomagic and once you have two active in your first level from teambuild or from your own effort, you earn $25 from each every month which comes to $50, and monthly fee will be taken from back office and you need not pay the fee ever again and once your matrix grows, you will start earning

Even with the Teambuild what if I do not get any referrals?
Good Question!! It does happen some time that all members in team build are not active, and the team slows down after initial start. To over come this we have a strategy in place by way of benefactoring/ reinvestment.

What strategy you have to keep the matrix Growing and not stalling?
Once you get 4 in your first level your monthly commission will come to (4 x $25=$100), out of this $50 goes as monthly fee and from the balance $50, you must do partial benefactoring (as per team build rule) i.e. one can get into this for as little as $25, that means you can bring in two members every month this way.

Imagine if 50 people in our team build has their first level with 4 people, 100 people can join by way of partial benefactoring, and these 100 people will fill up the first level of other people waiting in the list, so even those paying just $25 may get 4 under them fast, which means their fee is taken care of and they too can bring in/benefactor more people next month, so number of people benefactoring every month keeps adding up.

Not only this, to speed up the recruiting process further , we have another rule in place, every member must reinvest one more position in his own name every month once their 2 level and part of 3rd level gets filled. Now not only the matrix grows, and so does your income, but also you will have multiple positions in couple of months time and start earning from those positions too.

How to pay and get paid
Right now one can pay by US checking account or by US check and get paid the same way.

Can internationals take part and will payment processors be added soon
Yes already there are many internationals with Lotto Magic and Lotto Magic team is seriously considering adding payment processors like SolidTrustPay/Alertpay and exploring more payment options

What if any international want to get in immediately?
Contact me

For more information, visit

Added for discussion


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