I am not the admin of the program.



Thank you for visiting our program. We will pay you 1% to 2% a day, simply for looking at 25 websites a day. We even give you a FREE $5 to test drive our program. You stand to earn 365% if you surf daily for a year – it’s almost too good to be true! Think about all the advertisements you watch on TV anyway, for which you even pay a subscription fee. Our program is different in that it actually pays you to watch advertisements. Even better, you can use your credits to submit your own websites so others will watch your advertisements as well. This means that you can be a member and an advertiser at the same time. Thousands of members are using OSABN at any given time. That’s thousands of potential customers for your website. Where else can you earn money for advertising your own website?

Sign up now and OSABN will give you your FREE $5 account. All you need to do is log into your account, click on the Surf button, and watch – it's really that simple. A new window will open for you and show our advertiser’s websites on a 20-second timer. Once you have viewed your allocated number of websites, you will receive 25 credits or 1% (0.2% for free accounts, 2% for VIP accounts) of your account level. You can surf absolutely FREE for as long as you want or you can choose to upgrade your account to earn even more! Our maximum investment level of $50k even allows you to earn up to $1,000 a day. That’s right, one thousand dollars a day, that’s $365,000 a year!

But wait, there is more! OSABN will pay 1% to 5% commission on every upgrade your referral makes. First level direct referrals will earn you 5% while second and third level referrals will earn you 3% and 1%. Maximize your chances of creating a significant downline by signing up now!

OSABN receives revenue from a whole range of products and services from different industries. From advertising to global payment processing, media entertainment, travel services, internet services, to worldwide affiliate networks and global merchandise sourcing, we are dedicated to member service and expansion of our advertisement business.

For more information, visit

Added for discussion


Please do your DD before investing in any program.