HourlyBarter Inc , founded in 2002 , is a registered legal corporate entity of the United States of America . We make the majority of investments in different markets all over the glob due to the best opportunity for hire returns and diversifications but forex is our main market .
Now we offer you a simple , convenient and flexible method of investing in emerging markets through our unique online investment platform . With our integrated operations and business strategies we are able to provide you with innovative investment solution and give you the maximum return .
HourlyBarter Inc has a clear mission to preserve and increase the real wealth of our customers , to provide the best investment solutions and excellent value to help all our customers reach their financial goals .

10%-20% hourly for 24 hours ! (Instantly)
Plan Spend Amount ($) Profit (%)
Plan1 $100 - $500 10.00
Plan2 $501 - $1000 15.00
Plan3 $1001 - $5000 20.00

200%-500% after 1 day !(Instantly)
Plan Spend Amount ($) Profit (%)
Plan1 $101 - $500 300.00
Plan2 $501 - $5000 500.00

2% -20% daily for 200 days ! (Instantly)
Plan Spend Amount ($) Profit (%)
Plan1 $1 - $100 2.00
Plan2 $101 - $500 5.00
Plan3 $501 - $1000 10.00
Plan4 $1001 - $5000 20.00

All payments are made to your account instantly . .
Minimum spend is USD1 and maximum is USD5000 .
You may make an additional spend as many times as you like.
All transactions are handled via LibertyReserve and EGold and VMoney and EBullion and Pecunix.

Use our referral program and earn up to 20 % of referral deposits!

Our first level referral bonuses:
Name From To Commision(%)
Program #1 1 70 5.00
Program #2 71 N/A 20.00

For more information, visit
Authorization Form

Added for discussion
