A few of the highlights of this particular offering are listed below:

Must be a member of ICC paying a one-time membership fee of 39.95 USD
Only 10,000 members required to proceed
A lump sum payment of $40,000 to each member, once the membership goal is reached anyone 65 (at program's close date) or younger qualifies for the payout
Anyone 66 or older can promote or buy Plans for their family
$500 Reward Bonus for each member you sign up to be paid at program's completion
Once the 10,000 member goal is reached, the program is closed
One time $10.00 payment per referred member, payable weekly
I've been paid the referral bonus from ICC-on time.

My offer is:
1. Join via my link (ID 224)
2. PM me to let me know you joined along with your Egold # and name
3. You will be instantly located in my downline, I'll confirm placement
4. On Monday (after I am paid), I'll send the egold to your account.