Welcome To HeritageBux
(Online since 01/07/2011)

Members Benefits

At HeritageBux.com you will get paid by visiting our sponsor's ads.

We offer all features of today's PTC technology, including instant purchase processing and referral renting. Our payout minimum is at $1.00

*PREMIUM $5.00 Per Month
*ELITE $10.00 Per Month
*ULTIMATE $20.00 Per Month

UPGRADE BONUS 1 - Receive CASH into account balance. PREMIUM $1, ELITE $2, ULTIMATE $3

UPGRADE BONUS 2 - Received FREE PTC Ads Credits. PREMIUM: 1000 clicks (worth $5), ELITE: 2000 clicks (worth $10), ULTIMATE: 5000 clicks (worth $23)

Members should UPGRADE TO HIGHER MEMBERSHIP to get the most benefits

Upgrading allows you to earn more from your clicks and of the clicks of your referrals. Your membership will be activated instantly after your payment. You can UPGRADE through AlertPay & Liberty Reserve

Signup Here To Open Alertpay Account

Instant Payment & Receiving System.

View Our Payment Proof

As a member you have access to detailed statistics of your earnings and your referral's activity.

Have a look inside and start earning now! This website supports BuxEssentials.com.