Hi All,

Read the ongoings concerning the loyalty reward amount.

I went to web site they mentioned for EACH policy, they allocated $24K for loyalty reward. So there is an allocation set aside.

Remember they stop at 100K members and someone here said already it is very unlikely for a person to have a full matrix unless they have dynamic persons under their belt. They should be rewarded though.

There is talk that sending URL to millions by email blasting is to be curb 'coz you will sponsor persons whom you don't know at all which has caused big problems as little or no explanation has been given besides the $$$ and we human beings can be greedy, come into GPP. When delays due to unforeseen circumstances arises, these people will complain to authorities resulting in huge problems for all of us. These sorts don't understand anything, don't want to know except when is $$ coming.

For myself, I started with my immediate family, then brothers,sisters which also indirectly means in-laws or some like to say out-laws. Then to friends and NOT acquaintances (also problem causing). I have now 4 members and waiting for the chain-reaction, if they don't ask questions, I don't persuade.

No one pointed a gun at you to sign up but sorry to say, there are many bad losers out there who can cause the whole program to closure for the wrong reason.

Not everyone wants to be helped, they like to wallow in their sorrow. What you think is great, others don't. So sponsor only known people or rather deserving people.

Some people can't handle large sum of money, they will spoil themselves instead of bettering themselves, that's the human race for you.

I know some may disagree with me on some points but this is my 2 cents worth