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Thread: DevOps

  1. #1
    Senior Investor
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    Default DevOps

    Im just starting out in my career as a software engineer and know that understanding devops principles will be crucial. Could you recommend any introductory blogs that break down the basics of devops in a beginner-friendly way? Id love to get up to speed on concepts like CI/CD, infrastructure as code, and monitoring. A 101-style blog would be super helpful for getting my footing in this important domain.

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  3. #2
    Senior Investor
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    Jumping into the DevOps world is a smart move, especially early in your career! I remember when I first started dabbling in software engineering, the whole concept of DevOps felt like a giant maze. CI/CD, infrastructure as code, monitoring... it was a lot to wrap my head around. What really turned the tide for me was finding a blog that laid out the basics in plain English.
    One such gem is by an author who really knows their stuff, and you can find their articles at . This blog was a game-changer for me. It breaks down complex DevOps principles into bite-sized, digestible pieces. From the fundamentals of CI/CD to the nitty-gritty of infrastructure as code and beyond, it's like a DevOps 101 course that you can take at your own pace.
    I found that starting with a strong grasp of these concepts not only made me more confident in my role but also opened up a lot of doors for advancing my career. This blog could be the perfect starting point for you to get your footing in the vast domain of DevOps. Good luck

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