No Body told me Plexpay was a self discovery and personal improvement
program in the area of human potential, disguised as a loan program.

I joined Plexpay in JULY 2005 and I am forever thankful for that. The Plexpay
system has changed the way I look at everything, for the better. You see Plexpay
allowed me to consider BIG financial possibilities that seemed so far out of reach
or next to impossible prior to joining Plexpay in July.

Plexpay allowed me to stretch my thinking ability with respects to having the money, to
do the things I really want to do. I was able to sit down and write detailed lists of
what I could do with the earnings from Plexpay. It helped me figure out exactly
what I wanted and what I didn’t want and how much things would cost and when I
could actually have and do these things.

When I saw what I needed to earn / receive I was blown away. I suddenly
realised I have been thinking so small, way way small. My lists told me I need to
earn better than $1.2 Million in 1 year and then at least $250,000+ thereafter.

Plexpay made me realise I was capable of having more rather than settling for less It
made me realise that my dreams were real things, they are energy generators
that should be switched on at all times and that they get turned off by negative thinking.

The realistic feelings of happiness and confidence I got from doing these lists and
the feeling of actually doing and having all the things I wanted, were worth a
Million dollars to me.

Sure Plexpay has its challenges what company doesn’t these days but for the
record Plexpay made me realise I should get seriously focused on what I want
and to not be overly concerned about their stuff. If they keep going great, if they
don’t, I’ll keep going on what i want anyway.

My job is to look to what I want and to find the good in all situations anything
other than that is waiting time. A strange sense of confidence and peace of mind
has come over me, so much so, people have commented on the change in me.

Plexpay has helped me think in terms of possibilities, it helped my confidence, it
helped me to keep laser type focus on what I wanted to achieve. It has stretched
my imagination so far and so big, it will never return to its small size again ever.

I can now say YES to the dream car, the dream home, the dream trip, the dream
activities, the dream Contributions to family, friends and the planet, rather than
saying no just because I cant see how I can make it happen. I don’t have to know
how to make things happen in detail, I just have to know what I want to happen.
That’s it.

Plexpay freed me from the trap of worrying how can get what I want, to focusing
100% on exactly what I want and not worrying any more about the details of how
I could get what I wanted. This has changed everything for me.

It’s made me realize t all I have to do is just focus on what I want and it will come
to me some how, some way. Don’t sweat the details.

That being the case, I will continue to focus on what I want and will happily accept
the journey that follows no matter what happens or how many disappointments
come up, it will never change my focus. I am now achieving what I want to
achieve because at a mind level it already has happened and for that I am truly

With or without Plexpay I will continue to focus on my dreams, for me Plexpay has
delivered a lot more than just a lot of money, it has uncovered my ability to say
yes to what I want.