HyipLibrary is HYIP monitor site with database where we collect all scams and closed HYIPS.
We are provides very cheap HYIP listings, HYIP Ads and more.
Our listing locations are Premium, normal and trial, where your program can upgrade to normal listing aářčáářfter 120% deposit's earnings.
All programs are line up by our ratings stars.
You can obtain 1 star for every next 100% of minimum deposit on your listing location. -For example: If you chose premium listing: minimum is 10$ + 2$ fee, your program obtain 0 star. If you invest 20$ + 2$ fee, your program obtain 1 star. If your program invest 50$ + 2$ fee, your program obtain 4 stars and all will be reinvested. If you chose trial listing: minimum is 2$ + 0$ fee, your program obtain 0 star. If you invest 6$ + 0$ fee, your program obtain 2 stars. All will be reinvested.
Listings and ads prices.
Premium Listing $12 ($10+$2)
Normal Listing $5 ($5+$0)
Trial Listing $2 ($2+$0)
Rotating Banner: $1/week
Special Banner(non-rontating,text & Description)(728*90): $10/week for top position
Normal Banner(non-ratating)(468*60): $4/week for top position
Text Ad: $2/week for top position
Mini banner: $2/week for top position
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HYIP library - online HYIP Paying Library