PokerNetOnline no deposit bonus

You can receive $150 free poker money through PokerNetOnline site. This money is only available at Titan Poker. If you has had a Titan Poker account already, you are not eligible to gain this no deposit bonus. A few poker strategy article is foundable on the site.
How it works?

First create a new PokerNetOnline account.
Second download the Titan Poker software then register a new account.
Provide you Titan Poker account name at PokerNetOnline site. The money will be transfered to this account.
If everything is alright you recieve a $30 bankroll to your account. It takes about 1-4 busines days.
How will you receive the rest of the money?

When your account is credited with the $30 you may begin to play and earn Titan Points. After 5,000 Titan Points your account will be credited with $50, then another 5,000 points (at 10,000 points) will be credited the rest $70 money. These take about 1-4 work days, too. These will altogether $150 free poker bankroll.
Click here and register!
PokerNetOnline No Deposit Free $150 TITAN POKER