Quote Originally Posted by akhi agus View Post
hi all.

this is a news from FBS demo contest on 19.30 wib

1 210836 Ukraine Cherkassy 204636.00 bolyubah
2 210782 China Dongguan 174122.07 wen_77
210081 Indonesia Bandung 164355.58
4 210784 China Nanjing 153270.48 ji_86
5 210143 Algeria Batna 143505.26 hicham_85
6 210807 Indonesia Depok 123748.52 yudhi_73
7 208037 Indonesia Makassar 117004.71 Minnes
8 211054 Ukraine Kharkov 109504.91 karas
9 211657 Kenya Nairobi 102549.55 fredrick_85
10 210959 Russian Federation Ekaterinburg 92779.08 ily777

the indonesian traders righ now on three position. the first ranking hold to ukraine traders
From Indonesia today in second position. These demo contest really interesting. A good contest that FBS regularly held.