Clytie (CLY) has listed on Pancakeswap now.
Don't miss out the opportunity to get CLY token.

Clytie is an ecosystem that includes Shop to Earn and Play to Earn platforms. Build with CLY token as core currency.

Shop To Earn
Clytie app helps users to shop and get crypto cashback. This is a smart model that helps merchants sell products and buyers receive crypto cashback. A special feature is the cashback rate up to 75% when holding CLY tokens in the wallet. In addition, the Gamification feature helps users play and earn crypto every day on the Clytie app. Thi is a Win-win-win model with Seller - Clytie - Buyer. The online shopping community is very large that Clytie wants to target, Clytie wants that everyone owns CLY tokens when shopping and CLY tokens as a utility token, smart token.

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Play To Earn
Note: this is the first version, it may be updated later

C-World is an NFT game. Bring fun and a new experience when playing games. Here you play as C-Anims to rescue your teammates kidnapped by Monx, thereby being rewarded with NFT items. You also take on challenges with friends in C-Arena and win prizes. But you will probably be dropped from the arena soon, you'd better own good C-Anim.

After owning CLY tokens, users can also deposit into the system to receive rewards according to Clytie's program. An easy way to profit, more incentive to hold CLY.

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