Xfinance Defi Gem project: Xfinance(XFI) #ICO is live! Please only send maximum of 20 ETH to the $XFI ICO address below: 0xc92eA75d1D28DD0a58b89f0E8362C83Dc7AB2C83 Gas must > 100000 Hardcap: Only 200 ETH Price: 1ETH = 1500 XFI Token will be distributed immediately. Uniswap is live: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?input...f7eE1e4b4b0E86 Official website http://xfinance.io Xfinance customer support: @XFI_kitty XFI token info Total:50,000,000 XFI Initial circulation:5,500,000 XFI(11%) contract address:0x22Ef8B5919E9985ff1FFbA627ef7eE1e4b4b0E86 Presale price 1 XFI = 0.3 USD Airdrop Value: 20XFI $6 Referral: 5XFI $ 1.5 Step-by-step airdrop guide: 1. Talk to the telegram bot - https://t.me/XfinanceAirdropbot 2. Join telegram group - https://t.me/nowex_io 3. Follow Twitter - https://twitter.com/xfinance_io and Retweet pinned post 4. Sign up a NowEx - https://www.nowex.io/ account and submit the registered account number to get airdrop
END/Distribute date August 30th