The following exchanges are available on our service: BTC/USD, BTC/RUR, BTC/LTC, TBC/CLR, BTC/DGC, BTC/FTC, BTC/MEC, BTC/MNC, BTC/NMC, BTC/NVC, BTC/PPC, BTC/XPM, BTC/TRC, BTC/WDC, LTC/USD, LTC/RUR, USD/RUR.

There are several methods of deposit and withdrawal of funds for your ruble and dollar account on *****anger exchange service.
Brief information is available here: https://***** (All options of deposit and withdrawal of funds and more detailed information about each of them is available in your account after login user in system.)
Our advantages:
- Automatic cryptocurrency deposit and withdrawal.
- It is possible to change the order price. As well as raise orders to the first position on market in one click.
- Ability to login via WebMoney-keeper.
- Security: Confirm withdrawal using E-mail, SMS code or WM-keeper.
- Ability to limit logging in to your personal account according to IP – address.
- exchange service, which is working on the market of e-currencies over 8 years, is our partner.

Contact us:
e-mail: support@*****
Financial questions: financial@*****
Administration: E-mail: administrator@*****
Tel. +7 3952 420548