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  1. #11
    Investor Thelema's Avatar
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    Luke finally emailed out an update saying he is still awaiting payout, and that he's received affirmation that the money is coming. At this stage, it is encouraging to see he didn't leave the month without sending some kind of update. So, we wait...and are we good at that, or what?

    Have a good weekend,


  2. #12
    Co-Admin YogiBrood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thelema
    Luke finally emailed out an update saying he is still awaiting payout, and that he's received affirmation that the money is coming. At this stage, it is encouraging to see he didn't leave the month without sending some kind of update. So, we wait...and are we good at that, or what?

    Have a good weekend,

    Waiting with wisdom is an inborne gift of man...however, some never seem to recognise this wonderful, harmonising gift we are gifted with...

    YB...cheers to all with life's greatest tolerance within us!!

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    My new Android experience, the>> Samsung S2 & this special>> APP to go with it.

  3. #13
    Co-Admin YogiBrood's Avatar
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    Luke has spoken and he is in just the same spot as we are ...waiting...

    but he has informed and we can WAIT...Luke, hang on in there brudder...we know what it must be like by your end and we shall wait... keep it cool, we are ourselves!!!

    Fri, 30 Jun 2006 20:07:43 +0200

    I am still awaiting on payment from the trade that we piggybacked on to
    effectively pay out all the members. I have signed an NDA and cannot
    disclose what how and where, but I was assured that the payment is
    forthcoming. Please bear with me. I will update the moment I get the funds
    and are starting to pay. Please do not reply to the email address. I
    am getting spammed with hundreds of emails daily to this address.


    Waiting with wisdom is an inborne gift of man...however, some never seem to recognise this wonderful, harmonising gift we are gifted with...

  4. #14
    Investor Thelema's Avatar
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    Amidst all the tension we have with the latest SI situation added to the ongoing nightmare of Pips/Picpay, it seems as though the HE programs of the fellow named Luke has been all but forgotten. When he allowed the site and forum to stay down, I figured he took flight with the money and that it was over. Then he emailed out two updates saying he was waiting for payment, the last one being on the 30th of last month. But, with everyday of silence since and it now being mid-July, it's looking like "Luke" has finally gone over to "Darth Vader's" side, so-to-speak. With everything else going on, I want this little drama with Luke to draw to a close one way or the other. Does anyone have a relationship with Luke and/or contact info that they could use to possibly get the skinny on what's up with him? Sometimes it feels like, as old pipsters, we are the world's favorite Red-headed step child tied to the whippin' post...and spank us please? What we need is some comic relief!

    Here's to better times than this,

    Last edited by Thelema; 12-07-2006 at 10:44 AM.

  5. #15
    Co-Admin YogiBrood's Avatar
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    Awww Thelema...I can relate to your anxeity here and am all shoulders for your aches if you seek one...

    Fortunately, I left my wife with hers and mine...hmmm, peanuts to be overly distraught however, you have a growing point raised here and MANY had been burnt far too often and deep where pain is almost...WELL DONE and hurts no more...

    I don't know what's hunting him down over there but I am sure...he's NOT in Sun City cashing away BIG TIME....

    I dread never to be in such sandals...

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    My new Android experience, the>> Samsung S2 & this special>> APP to go with it.

  6. #16
    Senior Investor flockstar's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Thelema
    we are the world's favorite Red-headed step child tied to the whippin' post...and spank us please? What we need is some comic relief!

    Here's to better times than this,

    I'll second that thelema

  7. #17
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    Luke was probably stung like all of us. I vow to God NEVER will i invest in these scams again they all look so good , and work like a swiss clock until the time for payout and retribution. My faith is Dashed by this last SI SCAM. all it has done is placed a wedge between My wife and I . I have been Married for 41 years. I gotten screwed by 6 different programs in the last 6 years. I think this one(SI) is the straw that broke the camels Back. now it seems Like Luke and all others are in the same boat. I have been in all of lukes programs 1, 2, and 3 and still owed money on all. I guess its time for this oldtimer to Hang up my Hat, and try to renew my relationship with my wife ---Or lose her In my quest to become financially Independent. BOB

  8. #18
    Investor Thelema's Avatar
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    Default Love is the law, love under will

    I hear what you're saying Bob and, not only that, I mean I feel it big. But what broke my emotional back into pieces was, this past November, when my precious Dad was in the hospital dying with lung cancer that left the lungs clean but metastasizd to the brain through the spinal canal: he kept asking if there was any good news of our Pips money, and I had to keep saying that I heard it was about to clear or something. But seeing those lovely, sick and worried eyes of his...that sight will never leave me.I can't tell you the pain I experienced then and since; and, at the time, knowing what I knew of how Bryan dropped the ball for all of us and let Pips fall into ruin as he did, I felt that, if he was before my face that I'd tear it off his body with my bare hands. We had very large sums invested from day one of Goldenwomb and only took out but a small portion of what we put in, but even that was alot in the four months of withdrawals we were able to get. 2005 was the worst year of my 52 years of life, surmounted beyond anything imaginable with my Dad's death. He was not only my Dad but my very best friend in life. I've lost all my heart for any of this hyip stuff and am, like all the rest of us, just trying to recover and move on. This little foray into the hyip thing with Luke was something like a bad habbit that just needed to stop and, with everything that went wrong over and over again with this Luke guy, I wish I hadn't let myself get involved again in that kind of mess, but I did...and I've regretted it. But, you see Bob, and this goes for all of us, we each live real lives with real drama, sometimes drastic drama, between life and death; and that is why each of us need to give each other respect, to live and let live, because noone knows what kind of experience another has had or is going through in relation to all that has happened to us on this Pips trek. That's why this rudeness, bickering, hostility of sick egos and hurtful communication has no place on this forum. We need to act like men and women and help bolster each other's spirits with self respect and dignity. Oh well, I'll get off the soap box and bid you all a good day.

    Best regards,


  9. #19
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    well luke should bloody tell us whats going on.
    i havent had a reply from Pm or email, and hes not paqid us, and sent no update.

  10. #20
    Investor Thelema's Avatar
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    I'm keen to find out any contact information to this Luke character, especially a physical address or phone number. I remember that there were a few members of this forum who claimed to know Luke and had met him in Hawaii. If any of you have a way to make contact with him or, better, can share that info here then please do. I'd hate to see this character just fade away with our money and get away with it without some difficulty, although I more or less figured he had no intention on paying when he let the site go down and stay down. I would like to track this clown down if possible.


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