Pacific Finance Corp is a unique approach to successfully trade the Forex market and may offer you the business success you have always dreamed of. There is no business like Forex Business. We are not promising you any high investment returns; we trade your funds and turn them around to yield much more profit that you may have ever imagined. We offer you a safer and longer term investment plan. As we continue to grow, we never lose sight of the fact that the success of Pacific Finance Corp is assured by three critical commitments to our clients: Service that is second to none, Security measures that inspire
trust; and Solutions that are tailored to meet your needs.

We have 4 plans currently running.

Plan 1; Daily ROI; 1.5% (Principle Included)
Period; 21 Calender days
6% Ref Commission
Total ROI; 131.5%

Plan2; Daily ROI; 2% (Principle Included)
Period; 28 Calender days
6% Ref Commission
Total ROI; 156%

Plan3; Daily ROI; 3% (Principle Included)
Period; 21 Calender days
6% Ref Commission
Total ROI; 163%

Plan4; Daily ROI; 5% (Principle Included)
Period; 30 Calender days
6% Ref Commission
Total ROI; 250%