I'm not admin.

Fastprofit.biz is administrated by a group of people (4 people).

David Goodwin: Manager & Founder.

Patricia Watson: Payment departement.

John Cost: Technical Support.

Hu-Tou-Cao: Customer Support.

Plans: Up to 3% forever!
Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)
Plan 1 $5 - $50 1.50
Plan 2 $50 - $500 2.00
Plan 3 $500 - $5,000 3.00

Use our referral program and earn up to 30.00% of referral deposits!

Referral Plans:
Name From To Commision (%)
Plan 1 1 5 10.00
Plan 2 6 10 20.00
Plan 3 11 and more 30.00

We accept PerfectMoney & LibertyReserve.

>>Invest Now<<