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We come to show, what surfs can be honesty and profitable. Our plans may be looks like small but more You can't wait. Everything is possible: errors in script, DDS attack, decreasing of the percents. But we can to pass all problems and stay in liders. Be evil - Be strong! This is the Worse Damn Surf!


"Start Up"

Advertise 1 site
5$-50$ aviable upgrade purchase
10% * 11 days = 110%
Payout at expire


Advertise 2 sites
15$-100$ aviable upgrade purchase
10% * 12 days = 120%
Payout at expire

"Fast Profit"

Advertise 3 sites
25$-200$ aviable upgrade purchase
10% * 13 days = 130%
Payout at expire

Referal comission is 5% on all plans
Referal comission pays in 12 hours after referal upgrade

We accept: LR & PM

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