LOTUS FUND Inc. is a private investment company which was established in November 2005 by a group of experienced foreign exchange brokers and analysts.
LOTUS FUND Inc. is officially registered company with office located in London, United Kingdom.

Our investment strategy is based on principles of risk management, so we do not limit ourselves in areas of investment. We invest in long term and short term funds registered with NYSE & AMEX as well as private invest funds and most importantly — foreign currency exchange.

In development of our investment strategy we avoid high-yielding but excessively risky deals. Such strategic planning allows us to minimize the risks and guarantee stable rate of return for vested capital.

Carefully planned investment strategy and risk sharing between different areas of investment allow our company to give guarantees for profits regardless of results of the trading session.

At the present time investments into foreign currency exchange provide the highest rate of return and therefore forex market is our primary focus. Currently all investment process, issuing of financial reports about distribution of dividends is performed online.

We work only with hard currency and only with currencies to which investors have substantial confidence- those are currencies of well established economically and politically stable countries. We follow a well-thought-out hedging process utilizing the latest in research and market expertise.

Our risk mitigation techniques and tier pricing per investment category enables us to advise the client out of an investment where the risk is high due to market factors and into other investment categories where the investor feels more comfortable and can enjoy a more stable or even higher return.