Club 30 investment mission is to become a global company that allows each of our Investor to learn how to earn easy money every single day using high return and low risk investments. Regardless of your location, financial situation, or investing qualifications, Club 30 Investment is a place where you can realize your financial goals and dreams, we started up as an entertainment company, but later on we discovered...
In our time, the Internet has positioned itself as a hub where many business ideas and revolutionary concepts can be discovered and implemented. As an advanced and innovative company, Club 30 Investment has seized the opportunity to help others make money fast - and we are glad to share it with you...

5-7% daily for 30 days
Plan 1: $10 - $500: 5%
Plan 2: $501 - $2000: 6%
Plan 3: $2001 - $3000: 7%

200-250% after 30 days
Plan 1: $10 - $500: 200%
Plan 2: $501 - $2000: 220%
Plan 3: $2001 - $3000: 250%

10% daily for 30 days
Plan 1: $5000 - $3000: 10%

SSL Encryption
DDos Protection
Domain ID:D170035491-LROR
Domain Name:CLUB30INV.ORG
Created On:26-Oct-2013
Last Updated On:30-Oct-2013
Expiration Date:26-Oct-2014
Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a (R27-LROR)
Accept: PM, EG, OKpay

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