IOBEARN INC is an organization of environmental protection has been established since 2002, we are headquartered in Canada, and in 2008 we officially joined environmental organizations and international certification receive. Our mission is to study the use of clean energy sources and limit the exploitation of natural resources. Since a cleaner environment. Over the years, we are constantly researching, with a team of experienced professors from prestigious universities, we believe that will do the task well, because a world without waste and sensory dirt. in 2012, we decided to charities for the environment, through which all organizations and individuals around the world can invest in this sector through the purchase of shares of the company!

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Host Country US
Domain Registrar ENOM, INC.
IP (2 sites on IP)
Domain created 25-jun-2013
Domain expired 25-jun-2014
Accept: PM, EG

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