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We are publishing here our 2013 Corporate Investment Plan as an illustration of how a small business can set goals to become more sustainable. We challenge you to do the same for your firm, no matter how large or small it might be.Our mission is to assist local businesses, governments and non-profits to adopt sustainable operational practices in order to be more effective, efficient and successful in meeting their goals.

Brilliant Company is leading foreign currency exchange specialist. That means we have the expertise to provide you with the best exchange rates for all your foreign currency payments, to anywhere around the world.

Prior to Brilliant Company entering the foreign exchange market, most businesses and individuals were at the mercy of banks when it came to purchasing foreign currency. Our inception has contributed to a changing market place which has become more competitive and Brilliant Company remains key to ensuring that you benefit from better investment experience.


10% Hourly for 12 Hours
15% Hourly for 12 Hours
20% Hourly for 12 Hours

we accept : Libertyreserve and Perfect Money

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