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Penny Stake is a private investment company that is managed by Richard Brown, a professional binary option trader. During the years, I personally had my own share of success as well as failures while trading options. For the time being, Penny Stake is not a legal entity and I do not expect it to be a legal one because unfortunately I do not hold any license from the Security Exchange Commission, thus, please invest at your own risk. Matter of fact, no company can offer you any kind of guarantee on your investment. You just have to invest what you can afford to lose. Obviously, this does not mean I will be taking this opportunity to rip off people. We all know where all these investment programs will end up sooner or later, but at least, I'm a true binary option trader and it's an easy thing to do if you are experienced and know what you are doing.

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Ref Program : 5%
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Accept: Liberty Reserve,Perfect Money,SolidTrustPay,EgoPay

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