Start 26-12-2012
Our company has already been in business for more than 10 yearsand over the years we have obtained considerable successes. We began the business in England in 2000, and the main office of company is located there. The first two years were used starting up, finding clients, and then officially registering under the name Amvio in 2002. Out company is well-known under that name in many countries, but we have been renamed Douglas Enterprises Ltd. since 2012. Our core business is investment and production. As the concept of an investment quite ambiguous it would be more specific to say that we are focused on investments in winemaking, the production of rare varieties of tea and coffee, tobacco, and dried fruits and nuts. We offer support to producers of these products as these goods are in great demand and every year their sales increase.This is caused by the fact that we cooperate only with top producers who deal exclusively with high-quality products. Next year we plan to open our first winery, for the production of high-quality wines. Also, we have many plans for our future as we plan on releasing our own shares, opening new branches and possibly our own bank. At the present, however, our main priority remains company development.

First investment package
1,1% day for 50 DAYS - 1,3% day for 100 DAYS Deposits are returned Compounding: available min 25 $ max 500,000 Payments are made every day preterm withdrawal: YES-20% of the deposit is removed Payments
second investment package 1,4% day for 50 DAYS - 1,6% day for 100 DAYS Deposits are returned Compounding: available min 100 $ max 500, 000 Payments are made every day preterm withdrawal: YES-20% of the deposit is removed Payments
third investment package 1,7 % day for 50 DAYS - 1,9 %day for 100 DAYS Deposits are returned Compounding: available min 1000 $ max 500, 000 Payments are made every day preterm withdrawal: YES-20% of the deposit is removed Payments
fourth investment package 75 days 2% min 400$ max 500,000 Deposits are returned Compounding: available preterm withdrawal: YES-20% of the deposit Payments are made every day Payments
scrip more than 100 000 USD only accepted by bank transfer VISA / MASTER CARD In case of preterm withdrawal of the deposit a 20% comission is removed.

Registered company Domain 12 years - paid for by 2018 Licensed Script
DDoS Protection
SSL Encryption Powerfull Server Strong Hacking Protection Company since 2000 The unique design unique script

3 levels referral program

AMVIO Douglas Enterprises Ltd