
We propose to everyone that is sure in his investment potential simple and clear investment plans. If you compare the opportunity from NanoInvestCorp with any average investment plan you would definitely understand that we propose you nothing but pure profit with a very small risk. All our financial dealership is done with stock of privately held or small-cap closed companies.
This is not to say that money won't be made in this field, it is just that the profits are likely to go to those large producers who can achieve economies of scales in the production of nano materials.

1. The Pool Program
This is a real investment pool that consists from small investments and gives you a perfect acknowledgement in the safe of your personal investments.
You may start your nano investment career from as little as $100. Maximum investment into this program is $5000.
Your daily profit in this investment program would be 1.00% and the investment period is 3 months.

2. The Venture Program
The Venture gives you an opportunity to try yourself as real investor of the smallcaps.
Investments into this program extend from $1000 up to $5000.
And the daily profit here is as big as 2.00%!
Your initial investment would be returned in 6 months.

3. The Fund Program
We are definitely sure that there are many of you already familiar with investing. So here is the option for the mature ones.
Your investment into future here widens from $50000 and up to $250000. Daily profit is 3.00%!
This is real profit done by the real people using the advanced marketing and stock techniques on the future technologies and long-term bonds.
The program period is 1 year (365 days).