I want to show you a new matrix/PTC site - 150cents.

Matrix is a system where you build a downline and earn money from all people under you. Money comes
from a commission paid to get into the matrix. (And just to be clear: Matrix is not a Finance Pyramid -Ponzi)
It is not a forced matrix so you can have unlimited amount of referrals. (You don't have to get like 5 people under you and then 5 under each of them.)

Your downline is 5 level deep.
Level is a very important thing to understand. The higher is your level, the "deeper" are your earnings. For instance, if you're on the 1st level, you will
earn money only from those who sign up under you, because they are your 1st level referrals. If you upgrade to the 3rd level, you will earn money from your
direct referrals, direct referrals' referrals, and direct referrals' referrals' referrals.

Sounds much better, right?

The key point of 150Cents is that unlike all other matrices, the levels are not forced. It means that you can upgrade to the highest 5th level on your first day.
After registartion you pay $1.5 (not much?) for the first level (or you can just wait around clicking thosa ads and in a month you will earn enough).
This money is split up between your referrers through 5 levels: everyone gets $0.30. After that you can start referring other members.
You will also earn $0.30 from all your direct and indirect referrals. And even more - you earn $0.30 for every level-up your referrals pay for, not just for the 1st level

So, that means that if you only referr 10 people, and than each of them finds only 5 people for them, and again that people find another 5 people.
you can have
1. level: 10 people
2. level: 10*5=50 people
3. level: 50*5=250 people
4. level: 250*5=1250 people
5. level: 1250*5=6250 people
That is 7810 people. (from only 10 good people under you)

Well, this is for example only. It's more probable to get like half of that number but still, even 3000 pople under you from only 10 people you referr is awesome!

For PTC part you can earn about 3 cents per day, it's not much compared to other PTC sites but hang on.
If someone under you (doesn't matter if he is from level 1 or 4, you get the same amount of money) clicks, you get 0,005$
But if that someone referred 2 people, and those two referred another 5 (And so on 5 times)
You will get those 0,005$ from -let's say only 20 people
That is 0,10$ per day from only one person referred.

Lets do the math now.
We will assume that you have 1000 referrals (remember that you only referred 30-50 people).
We will also assume that each one of them will pay the first upgrade and you will get 0,3$. Not counting that there are 5 upgrades and each one gets you 0,3$
1000*0,3$=300 dolars
Every day they click the ads.
1000*0,005$=5$ PER DAY. (150$ a month)
And please remember that this is only going on for 5 months, lot's of cool feaures will come.

Long story short
New, unique script.
Trusted admin.
Pays in 3 days (It took 3-5 mins each time I request payment)
If you can make only 10 good referrals, this is for you.
See their forum forum for payment proofs.

4 Easy steps to get started
Step#1, join as a FREE member.
Step#2, buy the upgrade for 1,5$ or click the ads for a month to earn enough for the upgrade.
Step#3, get direct referrals. (advertise)
Step#4, cashout your money.

Please join under me.

Ps. Thay have a unique script, registered company and I spended 1 hour geting the numbers right and I figure it out that their system is perfect and they can't, in no way lose money.