Why did you start the Paradies Company?
We were thinking about expanding our strategies which

requires more funds than we can provide. Hence we tried

to go a different route than usual and chose to build up

a system via the internet that gives private investors

of all kinds the opportunity to invest already small

amounts of money. This increases the available funds and

enables us to work with more independant traders and

thus achieve a wider diversification which leads to a

greater stability in our plans.


Program Plans

Plan Interest Payment Period
Silber (Instantly Paying!) 1% Workday 180
Gold (Instantly Paying!) 1.5% Workday 240

How do you minimize the risk?
By working together with several independant forex

traders and an according diversification of the total

funds we are able to minimize the risk dramatically. As

you always have to include disprofit in your

calculations when trading at the forex market, our

strategy of diversification of our funds is highly

successful ever since 3/2005 with only slightly lower

profits in comparison to other traders with a

significantly higher risk.


[email protected] <[email protected]>

For more information, visit

Paradies Project.

Added for discussion
