The investment corporation «StarProfit» was formed in April, 2007 by group of the Ukrainian and Russian enterprises, which long time work in construction. One of the firms - founders, enterprise «Services - is "new", which is included into structural division of corporation, in October, 2007 will celebrate the debrcade.
Overall objective of activity of corporation - advice and scientific and technical help to the enterprises with the purpose of perspective development of construction in dwelling-municipal branch and on objects of industrial and social purpose, application of new technologies, progressive methods of job and modern materials for increase of quality of civil work, introduction in practice of scientific and technical achievement, modern information technologies.


Deposit 1$-20$ Bonus 5 %
Deposit 21$-100$ Bonus 6 %
Deposit 101$-300$ Bonus 7 %
Deposit 301$-700$ Bonus 8 %
Deposit 701$-2000$ Bonus 9 %
Deposit 2001$-5000$ Bonus 10 %
Deposit 5001$ and more Bonus 11 %
The distribution bonuses will work up to 10.07.2007

* Deposit made on the test plan to payment bonuses does not concern


From 12.07.07 to 12.08.07 company StarProfit spends the action under the name "Pursuit for Referrals". Referror typed a lot active Referrals during the given time will receive on the bill 50 $. In the action to participate have the right all wishing.

Boards of discussions

Program Plans

The test plan 7 days (1.1% daily + deposit) Испытательный план 7 дней (1.1 % ежедневно + депозит)
Plan Spent Amount (US$) Daily Profit (%)
Test Plan $1 - $10 1.10
Calculate your profit >>

--==0.08% Hourly during one year.==-- 0.08% ежечасно в течении года
Plan Spent Amount (US$) Hourly Profit (%)
HOURLY $1 - $5,000 0.08
Calculate your profit >>

--== 2 %-2.4 % daily during one year. ==-- 2%-2.4% ежедневно в течении года
Plan Spent Amount (US$) Daily Profit (%)
Standard $1 - $500 2.00
Increased $501 - $10,000 2.20
Maximal $10,001 - $50,000 2.40
Calculate your profit >>

Only for the first 150 active investors. Только для первых 150 активных инвесторов
Plan Spent Amount (US$) Daily Profit (%)
100 days $10 - $5,000 3.10
Calculate your profit >>

-= 14.7 %-16.3 % weekly during one year. =- 14.7%-16.3% еженедельно в течении года
Plan Spent Amount (US$) Weekly Profit (%)
Standard $10 - $500 14.70
Increased $501 - $10,000 15.50
Maximal $10,001 - $50,000 16.30
Calculate your profit >>

-= 64.0 %-70.0 % Monthly during one year. =- 64.0%-70.0% ежемесячно в течении года
Plan Spent Amount (US$) Monthly Profit (%)
Standard $60 - $500 64.00
Increased $501 - $10,000 67.00
Maximal $10,001 - $50,000 70.00
Calculate your profit >>

After one year. После года
Plan Spent Amount (US$) Profit (%)
Standard $10 - $500 792.00
Increased $501 - $10,000 800.00
Maximal $10,001 - $50,000 809.00
Calculate your profit >>

Brief rules of the company:

1) - Minimum spend is $1 and maximun is $50000.-
2) - We only accept E-Gold.
3) - Users NEED to be "active" to be able to get commission from referrals.
4) - Multiples account are not allowed.(We monitor IP addresses very carefully).
5) - Wait for one of the admins response before rating badly.
6) - You may make an additional spend as many times as you like.
7) - Those who break the rules will have their accounts deleted and may not re-enter.
8) - Please vote for us each time After getting paid



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Added for discussion
