Do allow me to formally begin by introducing myself to you. I am Harry, the admin for HYIP Encounter. I and my online friend, business partner and confidante; Amelia will be managing this site together. Well, we are not financial experts in Forex or Stocks. So, that ought to make you wonder how we plan to run this 'show'! HYIP Encounter does have something unique to offer, if that is what you are looking for. We are online investors just like you. We make our money from similar online investment programs. With lots of patience and determination, we must admit that we have mastered the art of online investing as far as Online Investments are concerned.
By now, most of us know that Investment Programs basically function somewhat similarly as MLMs do. They all follow the first come first serve technique. So, regardless of whether it is a short term or long term program, eventually, the investors who get in first and make the most out of it long before the admin plans to call it quits, usually escape being a part of the entourage of late investors who end up screaming scam or foul! Looking at things from this angle, we can't really call them scams, can we? Now, that does get us thinking, huh? HYIP Encounter is a gateway for investors like us who are interested in pooling in with us. Numerous Investment Programs are launched each week and by pooling in and investing in some selective, quality Investment Programs as soon as they are launched - we would definitely be successful. This is just one of our trade secrets, but one of the most powerful ones. So our site will be able to withstand the periodical fluctuations and survive for a long time.
So, as we encounter each new, high quality and profitable Investment Programs; we invite you to join us and make each investment of yours profitable.
HYIP Encounter is just the beginning for me and Amelia. We have been making plans to expand our business further and we will execute them depending upon the success and the response from investors like you. I hope that I have been concise and clear in reaching out to you in the right manner. We have encountered success and we invite you to step in and taste it for yourself!

Program Plans

- 120% in 2 days
-160% in 4 days
- 10% daily for 15 days

For more information, visit

Added for discussion

