Welcome to The-ThirteenFund.com !

The-ThirteenFund consists of a group of traders who have been involved in private trading for years and decided that it was time to pass on our success to others. We have joined our skills, knowledge, money and talents in the effort to bring a new reliable investment opportunity. The-ThirteenFund is a reliable investment project, that offers great returns along with professional approach and security.We decided to go online with an offer of a realistic safe daily return, and provide you with the comfort of knowing your investment returns are generating profits at any given moment.

13% Ref Bonus - limited for 7 Days !!

Program Plans

113%-139% after 1 Day
Plan Spent Amount (US$) Profit (%)
Silver13 $1 - $313 113.00
Gold13 $314 - $1,113 126.00
Platin13 $1,114 - $3,313 139.00
Calculate your profit >>
126%-152% after 2 Days
Plan Spent Amount (US$) Profit (%)
Silver13 $50 - $313 126.00
Gold13 $314 - $1,113 139.00
Platin13 $1,114 - $3,313 152.00
Calculate your profit >>

All transactions are handled via e-gold.
For your security, all withdrawals are processed manually. Your withdrawals will be processed within 18 hours but usually within a matter of a few hours.
Spam not allowed, we have zero tolerance with spam.
You cannot sign under yourself,one member can have only one account here. Anyone found in violation will have all offending accounts deleted without warning!
You must have an active deposit to recieve referral commissions.

For more information, visit


Added for discussion

