7-Forever - 7-forever.com
7% Daily, 30 Days - E-Gold, E-bullion

We are determine to make a truly high profit for both you & us.. Forever!!
7-Forever has a basic but very powerful plan: You will gain a constant 7% interest from your principal on Day-to-Day basis* (please see "earnings history"), during a short period of just 30 days. We currently have 50$ as a minimum amount to deposit and 2000$ our maximum, which every member should provide, however, you can have up to 3 Active investments at once. All the interest will be automatically deposited to your account balance, it will be accumulated there while your principle is remaining dynamic yet secured in our professionals hands, for the investment's period time - after that it will be expired. During a month, your investment with us will almost be doubled. -You can also earn a high commission of 7% using our Referrals program, which will help you gain even more profit & will help us to grow
Site link:7-Forever