We are a group of independent dealers and investors. All money invested in the Forex trade, consumer goods and shares. Funds that do actual trading have a complex Administration Process, as numerous transfers imply some careful and advanced planning. We thought it would be useful to explain a little how it works. We had to simplify a little with this graph: Administration Process 1 Investor sends his capital to Private-Investmentpool e-gold account after selecting to which fund they would like to join. 2 At specific dates, funds are sent to the adequate bank account in order to be transferred to the trading account. 3 Once the funds enter the trading account, the new funds are invested in the current trades below the chosen entry price. 4 The trade(s) are completed, now the money has to be transferred back to the global account for interest/capital distribution. 5 Accounts are consolidated and the adequate transfer is made to our e-gold account for immediate payment six Investor gets his interests or capital back! Financial markets are divided in three strats: * an Underlying Instrument being shares (MICROSOFT, GM, ...), commodity lots (42000 gals of Heating Oil, 5000 bushels of Soybeans, 40000 lbs of Live Cattle, 100 oz of Gold, ...), bonds (Muni-Bonds, T-notes 10 yr, T-bonds 10 yr, ...); * a Futures which is an agreement between two people where the 'seller' agrees to deliver a specific underlying instrument (see above) to the 'buyer' for a certain price on a fixed date in the future. Futures contracts are essentially 'paper transactions' in that they do not involve the purchase and sale of the actual investment instruments themselves; * an Option is the right or the obligation to buy/sell a set of underlying instruments or futures. For instance, you can buy/sell 1 option on Google (GOOG) which is equivalent to 100 shares of Google. Usually a Futures offers a leverage over the Underlying Instrument (ie. you don't have to put all the money upfront in order to trade it) and Options offer more leverage than Futures by paying only a Premium. There are two types of Options, calls and puts. A CALL BUYER pays money in exchange for the right but not the obligation to buy something. A PUT BUYER pays money in exchange for the right but not the obligation to sell something. Conversely, a CALL SELLER receives money in echange for the obligation to sell something. A PUT SELLER receives money in exchange for the obligation to buy something.

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