ErarnINV is an investment management company,we start our business in lot's of areas,including the establishment of the main issues and the fund management.Currently two closed-end investment funds and 12 open-end fund and a foreign currency fund are under the management of ErarnINV.

118% After 1 day
Plan Spent Amount (US$) Profit (%)
p1 $10 - $100 103.00
p2 $101 - $200 107.00
Plan 3 $201 - $500 110.00
Plan 4 $501 - $2,000 115.00
Plan 5 $2,001 - $5,000 118.00
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128% After 2 days
Plan Spent Amount (US$) Profit (%)
Plan 1 $10 - $100 110.00
Plan 2 $101 - $300 115.00
Plan 3 $301 - $500 121.00
Plan 4 $501 - $10,000 128.00
Calculate your profit >>

131% After 3 Days
Plan Spent Amount (US$) Profit (%)
Plan 1 $10 - $100 115.00
Plan 2 $101 - $300 120.00
Plan 3 $301 - $500 126.00
Plan 4 $500 - $10,000 131.00
Calculate your profit >>

200% After 7 Days
Plan Spent Amount (US$) Profit (%)
Plan 1 $10 - $1,000 200.00
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400% After 15 Days
Plan Spent Amount (US$) Profit (%)
Plan 1 $10 - $10,000 400.00
Calculate your profit >>

75% Daily for 2 Days
Plan Spent Amount (US$) Daily Profit (%)
Plan 1 $10 - $130 56.00
Plan 2 $131 - $300 62.00
Plan 3 $301 - $500 68.00
Plan 4 $500 - $10,000 75.00
Calculate your profit >>

88% Daily for 3 Days
Plan Spent Amount (US$) Daily Profit (%)
Plan 1 $50 - $200 72.00
Plan 2 $201 - $500 80.00
Plan 3 $500 - $5,000 88.00