While it is true more and more people are starting to jump on the "Slow Grow" bandwagon, I'm surprised it hasn't happened at a quicker pace. You'd think that after 8 straight months of "Slow Grow" and the last Letter of Intent Shabibi specifically stating that revaluation will be done in a gradual manner would be enough to convince people. Add to the fact that this is simply how all currencies on Earth are moved (except in rare cases that include Zero Lops). This is how you keep a currency stable and acceptable in World Markets.

While the term "Slow Grow" is now being used more and more frequency across the Dinar empire, there still is a disdain or negative connotation associated with it. Seems like Slow Growers are lumped in the same category as Naysayers. Nothing could be further from the truth. We (speaking on behalf of the Slow Grow crowd) believe Iraq will succeed and IQD will raise substantially in value, just over a period of time not overnight.

The word "Slow" is what seems to be the problem here. Now if you compare what has happened to the IQD over the past 8 months to a huge overnight Re-Val of say 1:1, the word slow would be accurate in context. But remember that from November 1, 2006 to Jan 8, 2007 IQD rose in value from 1470 to 1320. But since then it's moved from 1320 to todays 1246. Obviously it moved a LOT faster during that initial 2 month period.

So, I think it would be a good idea to come up with a better description of what is happening to the IQD value. This could go a long way to making the concept more appealing to the stragglers in this investment.