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  1. #401
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    Quote Originally Posted by 40plus View Post
    You have no idea what you're talking about.
    With due respect to you, even if were to be wrong, you could have addressed the issue with a response minus the personal twist. In lieu of this thread and for the benefit of other forum members, it's best we strive to stay on track rather than have personal digs at someone. As repeatedly mentioned, one has a choice not to read someone else's posts by choosing the ignore option. Thank you and good luck.

  2. #402
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    Default sorry

    This is not about dinar and I know I shouldnt be going here but I am anyway, so sorry. breakeven, did you take in consideration that in sadam's rule people were murdered. not so much today. did you take in consideration people are dying in iraq that are first presenting a threat to the police, civilians or to our own military? did you consider that people are killing themselves as suicide bombers. have you walked the streets, ANY streets in iraq yourself? i guess you havent been invited into someones house for dinner and had a very large family thank you 100 times before you declined their invitation to eat just for you being in their country because what they want is what you are trying to provide. i was lucky enough to chat with an elderly fellow i hope i never in my old days forget. he told me of a story just a few years ago of him, his brother his own kids and his grand kids driving to the store. they pulled out on the street just like any other day of the week. nothing out of the ordinary. all of a sudden he hears what sounds like gun shots. his family tells him to pull over, but him not seeing anyone says its best to carry on. what he dosent notice is the convoy very close to his vehicle that gave him a few warning shots next to his car. as he continues on, he is fired upon again and everyone in the vehicle dies with this man shot in the shoulder making him lose his arm shortly there after. keep in mind that he is a farmer, and now with no one to tend to the fields, badly injured and now missing an arm. the man seemingly would be a little upset at the military being in his country no? now he has to do 100% of the work by himself just to survive at like 80 years old. this man was almost over joyed one day when i was able to talk to him, because he said for years now he has hoped he would get the chance to thank a marine in person for doing their job in his back yard. he understands that innocent people die, sometimes to accidents sometimes on purpose and sometimes its their own fault. he has accepted the fact that times were going to get worse before they got better. as i read your posts i wonder if you say what you do because youre ignorant in what you talk about, or just lack of common sense. either way youre put on my ignore list.

    again im sorry about this post not being about dinar, but i had to say something...

  3. #403
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trogdor View Post
    This is not about dinar and I know I shouldnt be going here but I am anyway, so sorry. breakeven, did you take in consideration that in sadam's rule people were murdered. not so much today. did you take in consideration people are dying in iraq that are first presenting a threat to the police, civilians or to our own military? did you consider that people are killing themselves as suicide bombers. have you walked the streets, ANY streets in iraq yourself? i guess you havent been invited into someones house for dinner and had a very large family thank you 100 times before you declined their invitation to eat just for you being in their country because what they want is what you are trying to provide. i was lucky enough to chat with an elderly fellow i hope i never in my old days forget. he told me of a story just a few years ago of him, his brother his own kids and his grand kids driving to the store. they pulled out on the street just like any other day of the week. nothing out of the ordinary. all of a sudden he hears what sounds like gun shots. his family tells him to pull over, but him not seeing anyone says its best to carry on. what he dosent notice is the convoy very close to his vehicle that gave him a few warning shots next to his car. as he continues on, he is fired upon again and everyone in the vehicle dies with this man shot in the shoulder making him lose his arm shortly there after. keep in mind that he is a farmer, and now with no one to tend to the fields, badly injured and now missing an arm. the man seemingly would be a little upset at the military being in his country no? now he has to do 100% of the work by himself just to survive at like 80 years old. this man was almost over joyed one day when i was able to talk to him, because he said for years now he has hoped he would get the chance to thank a marine in person for doing their job in his back yard. he understands that innocent people die, sometimes to accidents sometimes on purpose and sometimes its their own fault. he has accepted the fact that times were going to get worse before they got better. as i read your posts i wonder if you say what you do because youre ignorant in what you talk about, or just lack of common sense. either way youre put on my ignore list.

    again im sorry about this post not being about dinar, but i had to say something...
    Hi Trogdor, you don't have to say sorry or bring up the issue of putting you on ignore. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. I fail to understand what irked you so much about my posts that prompted you to call me ignorant and lacking in common sense. If you wish to discuss it, maybe we can take it to PM to save others the trouble of trying to make sense of it all. It's worth remembering that the majority of those on here haven't walked the streets of Iraq so I do not quite understand why you are specifically targeting me on that issue. Thanks and good luck with whatever you do.

  4. #404
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    You remind me of the 16yo boy that took an ax to his mother & father and reduced them into kindling, and then was upset because the court didn’t feel sorry for him because he was an orphan!

    IMHO, YOU bring these responses upon yourself. I do have to agree with Trogdor & 40Plus on this one. The facts & history do NOT bear you out! When you make statements like this and are called out, take it like a man. I for one am GREATFUL for the efforts of Trogdor and other troops paying the price to defend others and us in Iraq & Afghanistan.

    As for Trogdor, Semper Fi!


  5. #405
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    Quote Originally Posted by DesertWolf View Post

    You remind me of the 16yo boy that took an ax to his mother & father and reduced them into kindling, and then was upset because the court didn’t feel sorry for him because he was an orphan!

    IMHO, YOU bring these responses upon yourself. I do have to agree with Trogdor & 40Plus on this one. The facts & history do NOT bear you out! When you make statements like this and are called out, take it like a man. I for one am GREATFUL for the efforts of Trogdor and other troops paying the price to defend others and us in Iraq & Afghanistan.

    As for Trogdor, Semper Fi!

    DesertWolf, Thelema suggested that we take your particular digs at me to PM and yet here you are again jumping on the bandwagon. I see you were man enough to respond to my PM....NOT! Maybe when you get off your high horse and take these personal digs to PMs, everyone would benefit. If that isn't within your grasp, then stop jumping onto others' baseless allegations.

    I remember you mentioning that the KWD went upto 8$ after the invasion...yeh right! Such blatant mistruths constitute history according to you? Good grief how much longer are you going to spin those yarns?

    Looking forward to getting your response via PM. Until then, save me the trouble by not responding to this.

  6. #406
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    Again, the facts & history do not bear you out! Your miss statement of facts, statements, and history to fit your views doesn't make it so. A quote from President Abe Lincoln comes to mind each time I read one of your post.

    It is better to remain silent and though foolish than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt!

    Open debate is a good thing. However, arguing for the sake of arguing doesn’t cut it! I will NOT argue with you via PM or allow you to miss state facts and only correct you off site. You called the tune and now you have to pay the piper. Beside from my observations you, IMHO strike me as one that would never listen as you argue that the boat is NOT sinking as we watch you go under still standing on the fantail.


  7. #407
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    larry nichols disagrees with you and i trust his word on this myself.
    Larry Nichols is your source? Oy vay.

  8. #408
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    Quote Originally Posted by breakeven View Post
    Thanks for your response.

    Debt is far from being done. The remaining chunk of Paris Club debt is to be forgiven by the end of 2008 according to the IMF. Based on the numerous reports by the IMF on SBA, etc, I think there's much stronger evidence to believe their word.

    While it is true that Maliki is arguing his case to reduce the number of ministeries from 36 to 22 or 20 ministeries, there is no timescale on it. As we all know, it takes plenty of time for Iraq to do things. Furthermore, a decision has been made to hold municipal elections before the end of 2007 and is not an imminent eventuality.

    As far as security is concerned, more civilians die in Iraq in present times than they did during Saddam's reign. They cannot even secure Baghdad nevermind the rest of the country. To think that security is being enforced with great success would be doing injustice to the huge number of casualties on a daily basis.
    Meanwhile, the KRG is trying to put the spanner in the completion of the oil law.
    Both of these remarks are out and out falsehoods. Try staying on top of the facts please. Show me the new mass graves of the modern era. Surely at the rate you say people are dying there must be mass graves.

    Read the word of the Iraqi foreign minister on the Kurd position of total agreement on the final text. His word is more recent than all the "anti-war" medias' deliberate mis-reports.

    If I were you I'd change news sources. At the very least you are being tarnished by the steady digestion of the ill prepared or even worse, reports that would make Joseph Goebbels smile.
    It seems that the state insists, or preserve the value of the Iraqi dinar 148 against the dollar ...Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states [ MOF Sept 2006]

    High RV is like Coke; it’s the real thing baby!

    Jesus Loves You

  9. #409
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    Quote Originally Posted by DesertWolf View Post

    Again, the facts & history do not bear you out! Your miss statement of facts, statements, and history to fit your views doesn't make it so. A quote from President Abe Lincoln comes to mind each time I read one of your post.

    It is better to remain silent and though foolish than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt!

    Open debate is a good thing. However, arguing for the sake of arguing doesn’t cut it! I will NOT argue with you via PM or allow you to miss state facts and only correct you off site. You called the tune and now you have to pay the piper. Beside from my observations you, IMHO strike me as one that would never listen as you argue that the boat is NOT sinking as we watch you go under still standing on the fantail.

    Rhetorical waffling must be a hobby of yours. For you, every situation is akin to a British roundabout! Going around in circles without taking the right exit. I am merely asking for something to support your assertions that the KWD went to $8. Until then, good luck and be safe.

  10. #410
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    Quote Originally Posted by wciappetta View Post
    Both of these remarks are out and out falsehoods. Try staying on top of the facts please. Show me the new mass graves of the modern era. Surely at the rate you say people are dying there must be mass graves.

    Read the word of the Iraqi foreign minister on the Kurd position of total agreement on the final text. His word is more recent than all the "anti-war" medias' deliberate mis-reports.

    If I were you I'd change news sources. At the very least you are being tarnished by the steady digestion of the ill prepared or even worse, reports that would make Joseph Goebbels smile.
    If you want to be known as the purveyor of all truths that emanate from Iraq, I wish you all the best.

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