Good Morning All:

I just got off the phone . . . early, yes, / Important, yes / in my humble opinion . . .

In reference to the HCL . . . that D-rock has already posted . . .

Over the last few hours Joe spoke to his four friends in the KRG / & 11 others . . . they all expect the HCL to be voted on & passed either Thurs. / or at the latest on Sunday . . .

Then they expect it will be immediately enacted before anyone can dance in and throw a money wrench into the works, again . . .

For you detail-ologists / Indy did not ask him what actual procedure they could / would use for this immediate enactment . . . perhaps our *Think-Tankers* can pose a way for this to happen . .

His read: Is they will then pause / then make announcements . . . as everyone is certainly waiting for these announcements . . . I even noticed the other day that Charles Krauthammer / on Fox News with Bret Hume / Announced that he / among others / is waiting / and expecting this announcement this week / or VERY SOON . . .

Then he sees the RV . . . but / he expects it can & most probably will be announced within a few days . . . He is still holding @ the US$3.45 / or equiv. = This amt. still astounds me / but he sure seems SURE in his OPINION . . .

**Disclaimer** = Notice please, this IS in the RUMOR section / Third hand, again, DON’T buy nothin / based on this except maybe a good bottle of Cognac . . . Last time it was a pitcher of beer / now it’s a bottle of Cognac . . . so you can see I’m much more confident . . . L.O.L.

Best to all . . . RR . . .