Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Indianapolis
Posts: 44

Sooo sorry I lifted this from another site. If this is true, then it provides evidence that a ME Currency can/will RV in significant amounts. It seems (needs to be confirmed) that it moved .06 cents. Again, if true, a good sign for us. Thank You.

Jordan Dinar
My dealer has teleconferences every week and yesterday he said he was flooded with calls all day yesterday from people saying the dinar r/v'd. He said he called the bank and they said that the dinar did r/v but not the iraqi. They told him the iraqi dinar was suppose to r/v but didnt because of "government issues." The bank told him that the Jordan Dinar r/v'd at 76 cents. The bank ALSO told him that the World Bank did say that iraqi dinar would r/v soon at (and I quote) "a good rate."

Dont know if its just dealer hype but I thought I might share. Despite what I hear Im not buying anymore until August, unless of course it r/v's

In the words of another forum member...just my 2 dinars worth!!!