
With 24 hours to go for our 7:00pm
(19:00 Hours) Central time you can
still register for another 24 hours.
Here is a time zone converter for
you Time Zone Converter - The Time Zone - What time is it in ___?

Rush Dialing Be 5 to 10 minutes early
as lines are limited for this info
packed call, the best research around.

Over 150 are expected to attempt
getting into Wednesdays call with
myself Darren Chabluk as well as some
of the worlds best Dinar critics and
investors all in one tele seminar.
It's live, if won't cost you a time
except long distance to Atlanta Georgia

Be early, stay late, ask question. If
you have a question any time during the
call just press *1 to raise your hand.
It's going to be fun and exiting for most
of us, if you don't like the call, hand
up, and let someone waiting get on the

The reason I only have 50 lines is because
I need a little more revenue to get the
100 line deal. Seeing that this is a free
call, which is actually paid for by my
DrDinar Report owners, I can assure you, I
will be having a much more in depth call
with them only, soon! Eventually, I want
to accommodate all callers on every call.

Wednesday March 20 7:00pm Central Time Dial
1-404-920-6610 and enter participant code 922816


Darren Chabluk

P.S. If you have not done our 1 question survey for
the call yet please do so here and get the recording. - The easiest way to create online surveys.

Nothing else to do tomorrow night? Well thought the Gang might want to boombard this. Might be fun and educational.