Tonight I feel very good about Iraq's future. I really do.

What's got me all happy is the todays blog at IRAQ THE MODEL

If you folks don't read it ya should. The author of the blog lives in downtown Baghdad and reports on the daily lives of the people around him.

Tonight he was talking about traffic violations. With the advance of the security initiative the police are again giving out tickets in Baghdad. Something in this really gives me a warm fuzzy... the idea that these people are finally getting to the point where a traffic violation stands out amid the violence they've lived through. It feels like life there just might be getting back to normal and so too (we hope) will the dinar.

I've given up trying to figure out if there's a reval coming etc. What I know is that Iraq may (just may) be coming back to life after 5 years now, and no matter how it happens I think this will be excellent for both the dinar and the people of Iraq.

Just wanted to share the sentiment in case folks out there needed something to get optomistic about that wasn't a rumour.