Where else can you turn $26.85 into 20k – not just once – but over and over again?

Introducing...... THE WHEEL !


Are you tired of “here today / gone tomorrow”cycler and/or gifting and/or revenue share programs? Ones that promise you “instant, overnight wealth without promoting? “ It’s been said time and time again: “If it SOUNDS too good to be true; it probably is”.

Ready for something that will LAST? Something that makes SENSE? Ready for a cycler that truly offers a level playing field? One that won’t require that you be up at 2:00 AM waiting for a launch that may or may not take place, or calling in ‘sick’ just so you can stay home and babysit your account so that nobody ‘gets in’ before you?

This is NOT ‘get rich quick’. If that’s what you’re after, then please select a different topic.

This has NEVER been done before: Not even close…..


A cycler (with a circular twist ) that utilizes an ‘automatic progression system’ and ‘automatic re-entry system’ through 6 levels (starting at $25 and on up to $1,000) to keep the ‘wheels’ a turnin’ – at EVERY level. AND – two of the levels automatically feed you into well-known and established cycler programs – with – are you ready for this?....an automatic and unending DOWNLINE (every time you cycle out – the two people who cycle behind you are automatically placed in your downline, and the 2 after that into theirs, etc., etc., etc. ) Are you seeing the beauty of this concept?

We are not fully automated yet, but we ARE fully functioning – so don’t let that stop you from joining NOW – because once we’re automated – watch out! (in fact, NOW would be a GREAT time to get in)

Oh – and this is FUN! If you like music and money – you’ve come to the right place.

To get the full scoop, click here:


Be sure to click on the “Wheel Explanation” link and be prepared to be ****N AWAY!

Then join us in our Skype chatroom. See the great teamwork and camaraderie. We ARE a team (we all promote the same link ) and we have a heck of a lot of fun!

Skype: Search for d_mcintyre and ask to be invited into “The Team40 Wheel” chatroom.


How's YOUR cash flow?

The Wheel of Good Fortune has FINALLY turned in my direction.
