Hello All,

I just sent the following text to Bryan and wonder what your opinions are...

I think it's obvious P*** is having a big problem, challenge or opportunity. Which one of those three applies is purely determined by perspective, by how we look at it.

It's very good if we look at what's going wrong. We see the problem then. If we look problem-oriented, we might say: "The money is not flowing to the members the way we want."

It becomes even better if we look at it as a challenge. It starts to become more fun. "How can we make the money flow smoother?"

But the real fun begins when we begin to see that right now, there's no problem, not even a challenge. The situation is perfect and shows a fantastic opportunity for making a huge step forward. That shift in perspective is what this text is about.

What do we really want to do?
First of all, let's have a clear look at what we really want to do. Do we want to make rich people even richer? Do we want to make everyone rich? Do we want to give everyone the right to live without worrying about money? What do we really want to do? How do we want money to flow in a better, more righteous way?

What is money anyway?
It took me a while to figure out how P*** really makes most of its money. I actually found out by accident. It changed the way I look at money and the economy.

Money is little more than materialized trust. There need not be a limited amount of it. But making more money might reduce the value of it, the trust we place in it. It's not easy to generate more real money, real trust.

Now usually money is given for two reasons:
• we trust someone has done something useful and give materialized trust for that (reward for a job, buying things,...)
• we trust someone will do something useful and give some of our own power, trust away (a loan, an investment,...)

Even in these areas, things are going a little bit wrong. Some activities people are paid for are only useful for a small number of people and destructive for the world in general.

Now what drives people to do a pointless job they hate or do destructive things for money? What makes people underpay others for a job, a product or a service? Is it not a lack of trust? Is it not being afraid of not having enough money? Is not the believe that the world is not a generous place the main reason there is so much lack?

The bad news is this fear is often quite rightly. The good news is there's a solution, there's a corrective movement. Some people generate this trust and give it for no other reason than because they believe everyone deserves it, because they believe everyone is valuable. They just trust people. Is this not what P*** is all about? This is just like parents care for their children. Children don't have to work or prove anything. Parents trust they are valuable in itself. (Sometimes children are not unconditionally loved as much as they would deserve. I believe this is one of the reasons they can use some extra support when they get older.)

But is it not appropriate to be a little bit careful who we give trust to, not to trust too much without any prove?

If someone gets a huge amount of money, there's three things they can do with it:
• They can spend the rest of their lives being afraid of losing it, trying to protect it. If they're lucky, there comes a day they lose the money and with it their fear.
• They can spend it on all kinds of things they don't need and that don't make anybody happier. They can start to spend their money a lot less conscious and by that lose a lot of fun and respect. Things start losing value.
• They can invest it in useful projects. They can give it away to people who use it very well or work harder themselves to make this world a better place.

My two suggestions
First of all, it would be good if there was a limit to the amount of money people could withdraw unconditionally.

Secondly, for bigger amounts of money, people should give an explanation. They should prove in advance the money will be used for something good. This must not necessarily be controlled by P***-staff. Are the members not one big family? This could be done by friends, volunteers, some kind of sponsors,... If one is proud of one's actions, why hide them? This way members would also be more protected by the damage bad ideas may do to them.

For example, if one feels unhappy and unworthy and thinks collecting as much money as possible will help feel better. If one believes that way one will become someone important, the suggestion of doing a good, useful job with nice colleagues might be confronting but very helpful in the long run.

Or imagine the following scenario: One dreams about a luxurious travel to the Bahamas. So, one withdraws a lot of P-money. One flies first class to the Bahamas, spends a lot of money on expensive champagne, shares it with everyone and goes to bed with a local bimbo. The next morning, one wakes up with an incredible headache, finds out that all cash, credit cards and papers are stolen. One also finds a note saying: "That f*** last night was the worst in my life." One doesn't know what hurts most: the memory of how one screw up in bed, being robbed, the headache, the disappointment, the worries of how to get home now,...

The expected result
It may be a bit taboo, but the opponents of unlimited unconditional money are not totally wrong. Unearned money can be evil. There will certainly be a lot less resistance if 100% of P-money goes to good causes.

The program will look different to banks as well. One could create the image of money redistribution program instead of high interest program.

P*** is a great success, but some adjustments might be very useful. The perfect plan should still work if 100% of the people on this planet joined.

True abundance for as much people as possible, should that not be the goal?

I have trust this is not a problem or a challenge. I have trust this is an opportunity!
