Hi BM!

I joined PIPS 2 years ago but I have never been able to cash out any money.
I have transferred some to Pic Pay though.

I have a few questions to you Bryan that I have wondered about.
I would be very grateful if you could answer them.

1. AS far as I know the members of PIPS have not been notified at all about the present situation. Not why it started and not what has happened since.
Why haven't PIPS sent info to all their members?

2. There is a lot of money in the PIPS system. Where exactly is this money sitting?
If everything goes bad will it still be where it is now?
Can anyone just steal the money?

3. If PIPS can't continue the money in the system is, as I understand it, not less than what has been pit into the system.
If so will it be returned proportionally to all us member then?

4. What exactly are we waiting for today?
Somehow there has to be an "end" where we can continue and talk about what to do next - and when might that be?

Best regards
Russell Byrd