How many of us are Baby Boomers that grew up in a society (US) that held the America dream? (own your own home, have 2 cars, two kids, and live happily ever after...)

We grew up with the likes of Roy Rogers, Gene Autry, Sgt Preston, and The Lone Ranger. They were good guys, personified. They gave us confirmation that the good guys always win. Retribution comes to those who broke the law.

To make a long story short, The Lone Ranger is needing to catch-up with a nest egg, so we asked our friend for any high return investments he had heard of that we could participate. He said he had heard of a (PIPS) offshore situation but it was highly speculative but promised great returns.

We did some DD and determined we would get involved in 12/04. We could not figure out how to get our $450++ "over there" so we trusted a friend who had "credits" and would open an account for us. We sent him the money.

We watched the simulator and enjoyed seeing the fund increase from our PIPS personal account status. We were of the understanding that the money needed to stay for a roll over (my words) for a time before it could be tapped into. We waited and watched the simulator. We had decided we would get our initial loan (debenture investment) back about 6 months in. The we could decide how much to withdraw for "life".

Then we heard that there were delays in the payments but various avenues were opening up to help ease the return cycle. We decided to not get involved in payment processors, etc. But, we did open up, specifically, a Chase Manhattan CC, in case, that could be used to transfer monies (debit/credit).

About the time we decided to move our orginial loan/investment into the new PICPAY arrangement we found some forums that warned of a possible glitch and they suggested we move our original monies to "pay me now", which we did. Then the ceiling fell in (or we now know as "no payments city").

We have been watching and reading the multiple forums (yes, both doomsayers and cheerleaders and some in between) since August of 2005.

We are not happy but we are not rocking the boat. We knew the possiblity of losing our original loan/investment. But we also hoped it would work out. We continue to look forward.

We do not find fault with anyone. Yes, it was a shot in the dark. But we/I made the decison on my own volition. I have no one to blame or learn from but myself. I am comfortable with that. It we don't succeed in making our millions, so be it.

But, we are not going to castigate anyone that is very zealous from either side of the issue. Also, we will not evangelize and give hope where hope is not warranted. But, we will realize that all good things (perceived or not) come to an end. I will not be a happy camper if I/PIPS fails. But I will not be one to throw stones if it does not succeed.

The Lone Ranger will ride it or not.

The Lone Ranger Creed!
By: Fran Striker

"I believe that to have a friend, a man must be one.

That all men are created equal and that everyone has within himself the power to make this a better world.

That God put the firewood there but that every man must gather and light it himself.

In being prepared physically, mentally, and morally to fight when necessary
for that which is right.

That a man should make the most of what equipment he has.

That 'This government, of the people, by the people and for the people' shall live always.

That men should live by the rule of what is best for the greatest number.

That sooner or later...somewhere...somehow...we must settle with the world
and make payment for what we have taken.

That all things change but truth, and that truth alone, lives on forever. In my Creator, my country, my fellow man."