I saw this posted on another forum and I think this explains things perfectly.
If this dont make you understand a little clearer then there is no helping you.

What if,--

You dropped off a bunch of your most expensive clothing to a well known drycleaner. You pay in advance for the services because they promise to deliver your duds when they are ready. Weeks go by, no delivery. You call. No answer. Concerned, you drive over there. Business is shut down, windows boarded up, a small note says : call (800) 867-5309 for information. You call, and a woman named Jenny refers you to a website. You find out many people paid and never got their clothing back. You find out the owner, Sam, had other businesses, but they were all mysteriously closed as well. Questions and concerns, and yes, anger and frustration abounds on the website forum. People needed their clothing weeks ago, where is the owner? What happened? Rumors swarm. The drycleaning business was a front for moneylaundering. The mob owned it for drug smuggling. The owner really wasn't a dry cleaner. He was sending the clothes to India to be cleaned by peasants who were selling the clothes out the back door. People complain to the authorities. A cease and desist order is posted. Then the DA's office gets involved. Finally the owner starts to post a few things on the website, but nothing specific. "We'll be back, but I can't tell you more." "I don't have access to your clothes." "We'll be back, but in a restructured form" Then, one day, the owner posts, "Comeback teaser." "We are currently working on opening our VIDEO STORE. Everyone who was a customer at the dry cleaners can sell videos to others and we will give you a cut on the profits." Many customers were perplexed, and then upset. "I don't have time to sell videos, I just want my clothes back..How can you open a video store when all your other business are closed?" Now some old customers of the dry cleaners who never had clothing lost jump into the website. "How dare you insult Sam, they cried. He's a good and honest man. He sponsored my son's little league team..he donated money to our charity..I had a beer with him and he is the real deal..He always returned MY clothes and he'll return yours too, be PATIENT>this is not his fault, how was he to know the people in India were selling clothes out the back door, his trusted manager was somehow in on it...Didn't you read the sign when you dropped your clothes off, the one that said "In the event of a worldwide catastrophic increase in the pH of drycleaning solution, your clothing may instantly dissolve without warning, so only dryclean the clothes you can afford to lose.!" Meanwhile the DA continues to investigate, but won't comment on anything. People return to the website, more and more customers come out of the woodwork everyday. "Do you still HAVE OUR CLOTHES?" They asked. "I can't ANSWER THAT", said Sam, in all caps. "HE CAN"T ANSWER THAT, SO QUIT ASKING, WHO'S SIDE ARE YOU ON ANYWAY??" Sam's supporters all cried. "WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR CLOTHES?" cried the people who originally trusted Sam, but were by now feeling very upset about the whole thing. This went on for months and months (and months). Meanwhile, the DA continued to investigate.
Then Sam answered, and he said,

"Buy some videos, I may have more good news later." **