Ok, I know I am a VERY skeptical and sarcastic person while posting on the forum, but I was really thinking about the Universal energy post that someone posted. And I do believe that the Universe (some call it God) will bring into your life what you focus on with positive energy. It has happened to me MANY times in my life.

Of course, then my skeptical side kicks in and analyzes the crap out of the situation attributing the matter to some logically explainable event. But the energy that put the events in place is the key.

Anyway the point of this post is that I truly believe that PIPS was put in my path for a reason (as was the money to loan them, but I'll get into that at another time). So, I will just embrace the fact that the universe has put me in Pips as an answer to my request, and I will stop sabotaging it with negative energy. I will be positive and allow the universe to work its wonders in my life. The "light" has not failed me so far, and I trust that it will continue to guide me. So, to a new positive outlook.

In Love and Light,

AntMan :D